IT Digital Cookbook - Second Edition
Animated publication
From the desk of Deanna Wise SVP/Chief Information Officer Nowwe’re cookin’ It was just the other day, that I was rounding in Wyoming with Linda Hill and Katie Parker, when we started discussing the idea of a cookbook. What a great way to share and celebrate our diverse and inclusive culture. Next thing we know, we’re now releasing our second edition of the digital cookbook. This cookbook is dedicated to all our IT team members. Your passion, inclusion and innovation have created an amazing community. Please enjoy these recipes from your teammates. Bon appétit! Deanna
“You may not think it’s possible, but a piece of toast can be messed up!” Perry Kirwan VP Technology Management/ENTECH
Common Measurement Conversions It’s worth mentioning that volume (cup) and weight (ounce) measurements convert interchangeably with liquids. The same is not true for solids—for example, 1 cup of flour is 4-5 ounces versus 1 cup of liquid (8 ounces). When in doubt, Google can be your best friend. Here are some common measurement conversions for liquids to get you started. 3 teaspoons 1 tablespoon 2 tablespoons 1 fluid ounce 4 tablespoons ¼ cup or 2 fluid ounces 1 cup 8 fluid ounces 2 cups 1 pint 2 pints 1 quart 4 quarts 1 gallon 1 liter 33.8 fluid ounces 1 ounce 28 grams Cooking Terms and Methods Here are some cooking terms you may come across in the cookbook.
Food Safety: Temperatures and Times To avoid illness, it’s important to always ensure your meat is cooked completely. Below are the internal cooking temperatures for different meats. If you don’t already have a meat thermometer, you can get a basic one for around $5. Steak 145° Poultry 165° Pork 145° Ground Meat 165° Fish and Shellfish 145° Casseroles/Leftovers 165° Making sure the food is cooked completely is important, but it’s also important to be aware of the “danger zone” for food that is left out. The “danger zone” is the temperature range where bacteria grows the fastest. This is between 41 and 135 degrees. The longer food stays in the danger zone, the greater the risk of bacteria growth. The three most common forms of time/temperature abuse when food is left in the “danger zone” for too long are when: • Foods aren’t stored or held at safe temperatures • Foods aren’t cooked or reheated to correct temperatures • Hot foods aren’t cooled down to a safe temperature fast enough As a rule, four hours is the maximum time foods can stay in the “danger zone”. This is a cumulative total. After the four-hour mark, foods should be thrown out. Bon appétit!
Cooking Basics Welcome to our IT Digital Cookbook. These recipes were submitted by our IT teammembers for you and your family to enjoy. Before we get started, let’s review some basic techniques and information to help you safely prepare and enjoy the recipes included. Knife Skills and Techniques You may notice there are certain techniques mentioned in the recipes when cutting ingredients. Some of the more common techniques are shown below.
Large Dice
Small Dice
Brown the pieces in a small amount of fat/oil, then cook covered, in a small amount of liquid Cook uncovered in a large amount of liquid, just below the boiling point. Cook small/thin pieces quickly over high heat in a small amount of fat/oil. Cook food directly over or under an open heat source. Cook foods like turkey/chicken in a small amount of fat in a hot oven: 350-475° Cook foods like bread/cakes in the oven between 250-450°
Fine Julienne
Whenever you’re slicing and dicing, make sure to keep your fingers curled, under and away from the blade of the knife as shown in this image. Another important technique to remember is to keep your knives sharp. A dull blade requires more effort to make a cut. With a sharp blade, you’ll use less effort and have a nice clean cut.
Cowboy Baked Beans
I N G R E D I E N T S ´ 1 large can pork & beans ´ 1 large can kidney beans ´ 1 large can butter beans ´ 1 cup brown sugar
STEPS 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees 2. Brown together chopped onion, bacon and hamburger meat 3. Drain pan and cans of beans 4. Mix together all ingredients in 9x13 pan 5. Bake for 1 hour or until done
´ 1/2 cup ketchup ´ 2 Tbsp vinegar ´ 1 large onion ´ 1/2 lb. bacon ´ 1/2 lb. hamburger meat
Allergy warning: Use gluten-free ketchup if desired Vegetarian & Vegan: Can substitute with meatless options
Kaitlin Macenka Director Department: IT Clinical Applications Time with Banner: 7 months Location: Kansas City, MO
DESCRIPTION Recipe Origin : Midwest - USA Brief description: This recipe continues to evolve depending on the event and can be fancied up or down in presentation. Perfect for cold winter days, but a great summer BBQ side dish. It helps with using up varieties of canned beans from the pantry or filling up party guests with a tasty, hearty side dish! Frombirthday parties, holidays, fun family gatherings andmore—this dishmakes an appearance throughout my year. GENERAL Est. Prep Time: 5 minutes
Est. Cook Time: 1 hour Number of servings: 8 Heat level (0-5): 0
Lemongrass Chicken Skewer
I N G R E D I E N T S ´ 10 boneless chicken thighs (cut in half vertically) ´ 20 short wood skewers ´ 1 tsp roasted garlic & herbs dry seasoning ´ 5 cloves garlic (minced) ´ ¼ cup lemon grass (minced) ´ ¾ cup Korean BBQ sauce ´ cup oyster sauce
STEPS 1. Soak wood skewers for at least one hour 2. Cut chicken thighs vertically and place in a mixing bowl 3. Add in dry seasoning, garlic, lemon grass, Korean BBQ sauce, and oyster sauce; mix well 4. Let marinate for at least an hour; best results if marinated overnight 5. Weave chicken on the wood skewers 6. Air fry for approximately 20 minutes at 350 degrees or you can grill on an outdoor grill, 10 minutes on each side 7. Serve with steamed Jasmine rice
Kathy Vongsavath ITCustomer RelationsCoordinator Department: IT Customer Success Time with Banner: 1 year 6 months Location: Phoenix
DESCRIPTION Recipe Origin : Thai/Lao Brief description: Our family loves to have gatherings with BBQ . This is a simple BBQ favorite withmany herbs and spices. GENERAL
Allergy warning: Allergies to sesame seeds
Est. Prep Time: 30 minutes Est. Cook Time: 25 minutes Number of servings: 4-6 Heat level (0-5): 0
Cranberry Salsa
I N G R E D I E N T S ´ 3 cans of jellied cranberry sauce ´ 3 cans of cranberry sauce with whole cranberries
STEPS 1. Dice onion 2. Dice garlic 3. Chop cilantro 4. Chop jalapeños 5. Chop serrano pepper 6. Add salt and lime juice to taste 7. Mix together and let sit for at least 2 hours before serving 8. Goes well with tortilla chips, turkey, pork loin, etc.
´ 1 white onion ´ 1 Tbsp garlic ´ 1 bunch of cilantro ´ 2 jalapeños ´ 1 Serrano pepper ´ 1 tsp dried oregano ´ Salt ´ Lime juice
Allergy warning: N/A Vegetarian & Vegan: N/A
Paul Lockwood ITTrainingConsultant Department: IT Administration & Engagement Time with Banner: 8 years Location: Mesa, AZ
DESCRIPTION Recipe Origin : Mexico Brief description: My wifemakes this every year for Thanksgiving and it’s always a big hit. GENERAL Est. Prep Time: 30 minutes Est. Cook Time: N/A Number of servings: A lot Heat level (0-5): 3
Easy Peasy, No Knead Bread
I N G R E D I E N T S ´ 3 cups all-purpose flour ´ 2 tsp active dry yeast ´ 11/2 tsp salt ´ 11/2 cups warmwater
STEPS 1. Combinetheflour, yeastandsalt ina largebowl andstir tocombine. Ifyou’readdinganythingtotherecipe like rosemary, garlicand/orparmesan,mix inwiththedry ingredientsnow. 2. Addthewaterandmixuntil thedoughformsaball. 3. Cover thebowlwithplasticwrap(sprayedwithcooking spray) andadampteatowel. 4. Letdoughsitcoveredat roomtemperaturefor18-24 hours. 5. After24hours (orat least1hourbeforeyouwant to serve),preheat theovento450degrees. 6. Placea2¾quart (atminimum)dutchoven(ora2.4L bakingdish)witha lid intheovenwhile it’spreheating. 7. Whileoven ispreheating, transfer thedoughfromthe bowl ontoaflouredsurface. 8. Formthedough intoaball, addingafewtablespoons moreflour, ifneeded.Thedoughshouldstill beslightly loose.Cover itwithaflouredtowelwhiletheoven is preheating.Theballmay looka littleflat, andthat’sokay! 9. Carefullyremovethehotdutchoven/bakingdish fromtheoven.Removethe lidandspraythedishwith cookingsprayor line itwithparchmentpaper. 10. Gentlyput thedoughball intothebakingdishso it’s evenlydistributed. 11. Coverandbakefor30minutes. 12. Removethe lidandbakeforanadditional 15minutes,or until the loaf isgoldenbrown. 13. Removethe loaf fromthebakingdishand let itcool on arackbeforeslicing.Tokeep itwarm, cover itwithatea towel.
Allergy warning: Flour - gluten Vegetarian & Vegan: N/A
Morgan Raimo ITAdministrationProgramDirector Department: IT Administration & Engagement Time with Banner: 16 years Location: Mesa, AZ
Brief description: Fresh bread is just something amazing and different. This recipe is simple and delicious, making it a fantastic addition to your table for dinners. The great part is since there areminimal ingredients, you can add your own little twist to it with different herbs, cheese, garlic or even berries! My favorite is some rosemary and then using this bread with pasta dishes. GENERAL Est. Prep Time: 5 minutes Est. Cook Time: 45minutesafter risingovernight (total time1day55minutes) Number of servings: 1 loaf for approximately 10 people Heat level (0-5): 0
Sausage Roll
I N G R E D I E N T S ´ 31/2 cups bread flour ´ 1 cup warmwater ´ 2 tsp active yeast ´ 1 Tbsp olive oil ´ 1 tsp salt ´ 1/2 tsp sugar ´ 11/2 lb. Italian sausage (homemade or store-bought) ´ 1 lb. shredded mozzarella Optional: ´ Substitute 1 lb. pre-made dough for homemade
STEPS For the dough: 1. Inasmall bowl, addwaterandyeast. Letsit10-15 minutesoruntil themixture is foamy. 2. Inmixingbowl, addoliveoil, saltandsugar. 3. Addwater/yeast tomixingbowl. 4. Usingthepaddleattachment (largespoon ifyoudon’t haveamixer), slowlyadd in1cupofflourandmixuntil smooth. 5. Changetothedoughhookattachmentandcontinueto slowlyaddflouruntil doughno longerstickstosidesof bowl (5-6minutes). 6. Placedoughon lightly-flouredsurfaceandkneadfor1 minute, addingmoreflour ifdough issticky. 7. Placedough in large,oiledbowl andsetasidetoproof in awarmareauntil doughdoubles insize(60-90 minutes) 8. Oncedoughdoubles insize,punchdoughdownandset asidetoroll out. 9. Shredmozzarellacoarsely. 10. Cook loosesausageovermediumhighheatuntil 165degrees. Assemble: 1. Placedoughon lightly-flouredsurface. 2. Roll dough into~18”square, approximately1/4” thick. 3. Sprinklesausageevenlyoverdough. 4. Sprinklemozzarellaevenlyoversausage. 5. Tuck intheendsof thedoughandroll intoa log. 6. Transfer toabakingsheet. Cook: 1. Preheatovento450degrees (thiscanbedoneduring assembly). 2. Cookfor15-18minutesuntil thedough isgolden. 3. Letset for5-10minutes. Slice, serve and enjoy.
Joe Mazza AssociateDirector, ITOperations Department: IT Business Services Time with Banner: 17 years Location: Gold Canyon, AZ
Allergy warning: Gluten, dairy Vegetarian & Vegan: Substitute spinach or broccoli instead of sausage
DESCRIPTION Recipe Origin : Northeast USA
Brief description: This is a family favorite for as long as I can remember. Easy tomake, and combined with our family’s homemade sausage, it makes a great, casual addition for many occasions. I’ve turned tomaking sausage with boneless and skinless chicken thighs instead of pork. GENERAL Est. Prep Time: 2 hours Est. Cook Time: 16-18minutes Number of servings: 8 - 10 Heat level (0-5): 1
Barb McCaslin’s Secret Mormon Pancakes
I N G R E D I E N T S Dry: ´ 2 cups flour ´ 4 “heaping” tsp baking powder ´ 1 tsp salt ´ 2 tsp sugar Wet: ´ 2 cups buttermilk ´ 2 eggs ´ 1 Tbsp melted butter or vegetable shortening
STEPS 1. Useanelectricorstovetopgriddle,or largenon-stick fryingpan.Heat tomedium-highheatand lightlyoil just beforeandbetweenbatchesofpancakes.Wipeexcess oil offwithpaper towel; nostandingoil. 2. Mixall dry ingredientstogether ina largemixingbowl. 3. Siftfivetimes (tedious, I know, but thepayoffis unbelievable) and leave in largebowl undisturbed. 4. Mixallwet ingredientstogether inanotherbowl or large measuringcup.Useawhisktocompletely incorporate wet ingredients. 5. Dumpwet ingredients intodry ingredientsall atonce. Useawhisk (noelectricmixers,please!) tomix justuntil everything iswetandwell-blended, thenSTOP!Never mixorevenstir themixtureagain(oryou’ll ruin it). 6. Let thebatter rest forfiveminutes ... itwill expand into analmostwhipped-creamtexture. 7. GENTLYscoopout1/3to1/2cupportionsoffluffand pourontohotgriddle. 8. Allowtocookuntil thebottomisreallygolden brown—edgesshouldbedryandthepancakeshould besteaming.Cookingtimewill varyfromthreetosix minutesor longerdependingonheatsourceandpan ... bepatientanddon’tflipearly. 9. Flippancakeonlyonce, anddoNOTpressdown.Allow tocookthesameamountonsecondside. 10. Removetoawarmedplateandcontinuetomakemore pancakes.DonotEVERgobackandstir thebatter again; itwill goflatandthetexturewill beawful. Makes10-12pancakes, dependingonsize.Thisrecipecan bedoubledfor largecrowds, butnotmorethanthat—the batterwill start togoflatbeforeyoucanfinishcookingall the pancakes.Theruleof thumb is:onedouble-batchatmost pergriddle/largepan.
Allergy warning: Flour, buttermilk, eggs Vegetarian & Vegan: N/A
Kipp Drake ITDirector, Telecommunications Department: IT Operations and Service Delivery Time with Banner: 7 years 10 months Location: Tucson, AZ
GENERAL Est. Prep Time: 15 minutes Est. Cook Time: 30-45minutes Number of servings: 4 - 5 Heat level (0-5): 0
Brief description: My kids are in their late 20’s now, but their whole young lives, I made themBisquick pancakes. Other than going out for breakfast, that’s the only pancakes they ever had. After a teenage birthday/slumber party combo (my oldest are boy/girl twins), I decided to “upmy game” and pull out a recipe froma friend of the family. All of the kids were amazed, with comments like “best pancakes I’ve ever eaten” and “why have you been keeping these pancakes a SECRET?” I shared that a friend of my family named BarbMcCaslin, a wonderful Mormon woman and momwith six kids of her own (tomy family’s five kids), made them for my family when I was a kid when we were passing through on vacation one year. We got the recipe andmade themexactly once after we got home; they were amazing, but mymom thought they were toomuch trouble and the recipe went into the box, never to be seen again. I had pulled it out just for this special occasion. It wasn’t Barb’s secret; it was that I had been keeping thema secret for all these years. So, put all that together and you have “BarbMcCaslin’s SECRETMormon Pancake Recipe!” I haven’t been allowed tomake any other pancakes since that day.
Simple Bread
I N G R E D I E N T S ´ 2 cups bread flour ´ 11/2 cups all-purpose flour ´ 2 Tbsp instant yeast ´ 1/2 tsp salt ´ Approx. 11 cups water (around 100 degrees)
STEPS 1. Pourall of thedry ingredients intoyourmixerandmixfor oneminuteusingabreadhook. 2. Add1cupof thewater tothedry ingredientswhile mixingon lowwithabreadhook. 3. The ingredientswill startcomingtogether. If theydon’t cometogether inasingleball ofdough, addasmall amountofwater tothemix.Dothisuntil thedoughfully comestogether. Note: Ifyouaddtoomuchwater, youcanupthe speedonthemixer tomediumandthatshouldhelp incorporatetheextrawater. If thatdoesn’twork, adda littleflour. 4. Keeprunningthemixeron lowforfiveminutestoknead thebread. 5. Removethebowl fromthemixer.Spraynon-stickspray insidethebowl andcover thebowlwithplasticwrap. Thebreadwill needtoproveforonehour.Provingwill needtobedone inawarmspot inyourkitchen,orheat yourovenforfiveminutesandplacethebowl in theoven. 6. Removethenow-provedbreadfromthebowl and kneadbyhandforacoupleofminutes. 7. Greasea8”x4”breadpanandplacethedough inthe pan.Allowtoprovefor30minutes. 8. Pre-heatyourovento400degrees.Scorethedough in oneor twoplacestopreventa“blowout”whilebaking. 9. Bakethebreadfor30minutes. 10. Removethebreadfromthepanandcool forabout onehour. Variations: ´ Use only bread flour for a denser loaf ´ Substitutethebreadflour forwholewheatflour fora healthieroption ´ Addflavors (i.e. cheese) inthedry ingredientsandmixto haveflavor throughout thebread ´ Flattenthebreadafter thefirstprove, coverwithafilling(ie pesto), roll thedough likea log, andtuck inthesides fora flavoredbread.
Allergy warning: Flour, gluten Vegetarian & Vegan: N/A
Ryan Gruver ITOpsDir Department: Data Center Technology and Engineering Time with Banner: 14 years Location: Phoenix
DESCRIPTION Recipe Origin : Europe and Australia
Brief description: This is a simple and basic bread recipe that can be built upon to create unique flavors. This is always a hit aroundmy house! GENERAL Est. Prep Time: 2 hours
Est. Cook Time: 30minutes Number of servings: 10 - 12 Heat level (0-5): 0
Flank Steak Dry Rub
I N G R E D I E N T S ´ 1 teaspoon kosher salt ´ 1 teaspoon garlic powder ´ 1 teaspoon onion powder ´ 1 teaspoon ground cumin ´ 1 teaspoon smoked paprika ´ 1 teaspoon brown sugar ´ teaspoon ground red pepper
STEPS 1. Preheat grill to medium high. Combine salt, garlic and onion powder, cumin, paprika, brown sugar and red pepper in a bowl. Brush steak with olive oil and rub with the spice mixture. 2. Coat grill with cooking spray. Grill steak 5 minutes on each side or until desired temperature is reached. Transfer to a cutting board and let rest for 5 minutes. 3. Cut across grain into thin slices. 4. Serve with your favorite sides and enjoy!
´ 1 (1 lb) flank steak ´ 2 tablespoons olive oil ´ Cooking spray
Allergy warning: N/A Vegetarian & Vegan: N/A
Paul Lockwood ITSecurityConsultant Department: IT Administration and Engagement Time with Banner: 9 years Location: Mesa, AZ
DESCRIPTION Recipe Origin : Southwest
Brief description: A dry rub recipe for flank steak with a little kick. I wanted tomake something tasty and healthy for my family and I found this online. I’ve adjusted it for my family’s taste. GENERAL
Est. Prep Time: 15 minutes Est. Cook Time: 15 minutes Number of servings: 6 Heat level (0-5): 3
Brined and Smoked, Spatchcocked Turkey
I N G R E D I E N T S ´ 1 gallon vegetable broth ´ 1 cup sea salt (kosher salt will also work) ´ 1 Tbsp crushed dried rosemary ´ 1 Tbsp dried sage ´ 1 Tbsp dried thyme ´ 1 Tbsp dried savory ´ 1 gallon ice water ´ Whole turkey, not pre-injected with saline
STEPS 1. In a large stock pot, combine all of the ingredients except the ice water. Bring the broth mixture to a boil, stirring often to make sure the salt is dissolved. 2. Remove from heat and let it cool down to room temperature. 3. When the broth mixture has cooled, pour it into the brining bag. You could substitute a clean 5 gallon bucket for the bag if you prefer. 4. Next, add and stir in the ice water. 5. Prepare the turkey. You should wash and pat dry the turkey with paper towels, making sure that you have removed all the innards. Place the turkey into the brining mixture, making sure it is completely submerged. Now, place the turkey and brining mixture in the refrigerator and keep it there overnight. I would suggest letting the turkey marinate in the brining mixture for at least 12 hours. I usually marinate the turkey for 24 hours unless the turkey is more on the small side.
6. When you are ready to cook the turkey, remove it from the refrigerator and take it out of the brining mixture. Carefully drain off the excess brine and pat dry the turkey. Discard all of the brine mixture. 7. Now, you are ready to cook your turkey. I prefer to smoke the turkey over low heat, 250 to 275 degrees. Hickory, apple, or oak makes for a good smokey flavor. Mesquite may be too smokey for some. You can also roast it in the oven if you choose. I also like to spatchcock the turkey. Spatchcocking is the process of cutting the turkey down the backbone, using kitchen sears. Then, you lay the turkey out flat while cooking. In this manner, the turkey not only cooks more evenly, it also cooks in less time. I always use a meat thermometer when cooking to make sure it is done and at a safe temperature. Cook time varies greatly due to the size of the bird. 8. Cook until the internal temperature reaches at least 160 to 165 degrees. Once you remove the turkey from the smoker/oven, the internal temperature will continue to rise – usually another 10 degrees. That’s it! Now you are ready to enjoy some delicious turkey.
Allergy warning: Check spice/herb list for food allergies Vegetarian & Vegan: None
Greg Sanderson Senior Director IT Department: Population Health Management Payer & Provider Reporting & Analytics Time with Banner: 3 weeks Location: Houston
DESCRIPTION Recipe Origin : US - Southwest
Brief description: Sincemaking turkey this way for Thanksgiving some years ago, I have never cooked another turkey without brining it first. Since I love cooking outdoors onmy kamado-style cooker, I also smoke the turkey to add even more flavor. GENERAL Est. Prep Time: 30 minutes to an hour, not counting the length of time for marinating
Est. Cook Time: 3 to 4 hours, depending on the size of the turkey Number of servings: 6 to 8, depending on the size of the turkey Heat level (0-5): 0
Main Courses
Main Courses
Potato Gnocchi with Alfredo Sauce and Grilled Chicken
STEPS Gnocchi 1. Boil potatoes in salted water until tender (approximately 45 minutes to one hour). Drain water and transfer potatoes to a sheet tray. 2. Preheat oven to 300 degrees. 3. Dry potatoes in the oven for five minutes. 4. Remove potatoes from the oven and mash them or pass them through a ricer/food mill. 5. Add the eggs, spices, butter and half the flour to the potatoes. Mix well. 6. Spread the remaining flour on a clean work surface. Knead the dough on the work surface until firm and workable. 7. Divide the dough into four portions. Roll out each portion into a cylinder approximately two feet in length. Use a knife or bench scrapper to divide the cylinder into two-inch pieces. Roll each piece into a ball. 8. Place the pieces on a floured sheet tray. Use a fork to create an indentation on each piece. Place the sheet tray into the refrigerator until ready to cook. 9. Bring a pot of salted water to a boil. Heat a saucepan with butter, no more than medium heat. 10. Throw in 12 to 18 pieces of the gnocchi into the boiling water. The gnocchi will float when done, two to three minutes. Remove from the water with a slotted spoon. 11. Place cooked gnocchi in the saucepan with butter. When the gnocchi starts to brown, remove from pan. 12. Repeat steps 10 and 11 until all gnocchi is cooked. 13. Portion out the gnocchi, top with Alfredo sauce and sliced chicken. Alfredo Sauce 1. Combine all ingredients into a saucepan. Bring to boil. 2. Reduce heat to medium low. Allow for mixture to thicken for about 10 minutes. Stir often. 3. Check taste of the sauce while it’s thickening. Adjust seasonings as needed.
Grilled Chicken 1. Marinate the chicken for one to two hours. 2. Preheat grill to high heat. 3. Cook chicken on the grill until internal temperature is 165 degrees, approximately 15 minutes. Turn chicken only once about halfway through the cook time. 4. Remove chicken from the grill. Cut up the chicken into bite-sized pieces.
I N G R E D I E N T S Gnocchi ´ 11/2 lbs. russet potatoes, peeled ´ 1 egg, beaten ´ 1 egg yolk, beaten ´ 1 tsp salt ´ 1/2 tsp pepper ´ 1 oz clarified butter ´ 7 oz flour ´ Nutmeg (to taste) Alfredo Sauce ´ 12 fl. oz organic heavy cream ´ 3 Tbsp butter ´ 3 oz. parmesan cheese, grated ´ Salt (to taste) ´ Pepper (to taste) Grilled Chicken ´ Chicken breast (one per person) or ´ Chicken tenderloin (one package) ´ Lemon herb marinade, store-bought or homemade Allergy warning: Contains flour (gluten) and heavy cream (dairy) Vegetarian/Vegan substitute: Remove grilled chicken for vegetarian dish
Ryan Gruver ITOpsDirector Department : Data Center Technology and Engineering Time with Banner: 13 years, 9 months Location: Phoenix
DESCRIPTION Recipe Origin : Italy Brief description: Homemade Italian is a favorite in the Gruver household, especially when the pasta is also scratch-made. This recipe was created to mimic a gnocchi that we’ve enjoyed from a famous Osteria in Cottonwood, AZ. GENERAL Est. Prep Time: 1 hour
Est. Cook Time: 1.5 hours Number of servings: 2 - 4 Heat level (0-5): 0
Main Courses
Beef and Noodles
I N G R E D I E N T S ´ 2 lbs beef stewmeat ´ 5 beef broth cubes ´ 8 cups of water ´ 3 Tbsp of cornstarch ´ Salt to taste ´ Pepper to taste ´ 1-2 packs of Grandma’s frozen egg noodles ´ Prepared mashed potatoes
STEPS 1. Place meat into a large pan on the stove. 2. Cover with water. 3. Add in beef stock cubes. 4. Bring to a boil. 5. Continue to boil for ~ two hours. Add water as needed.
9. Add to stewmeat. 10. Cook until noodles become tender, usually around 20 minutes. 11. Put cornstarch in a cup and add 1/3 cup of cold water. 12. Stir until cornstarch is completely dissolved. 13. Stir into the meat and noodles. 14. Continue stirring and broth will thicken. 15. Add additional salt and pepper to taste. 16. Serve over prepared mashed potatoes or enjoy as a standalone dish.
6. Beef will become very tender. Add salt and pepper. 7. Pierce noodle package and place in microwave for 60 seconds to defrost. 8. Remove noodles from the package and separate noodles.
Rachael Miller ITDirector for Ancillary, Surgery, andLabSer vices Department: Clinical Applications Time with Banner: 29 years Location: Carr, CO
Allergy warning: Gluten in the egg noodles Vegetarian & Vegan: Omit the beef and the beef cubes. Rename toNoodles. GENERAL Est. Prep Time: 15 minutes Est. Cook Time: 2hours Number of servings: 6 - 10 Heat level (0-5): 0
DESCRIPTION Recipe Origin : American
Brief description: Simple and hearty beef and noodle dish. Can be served alone or over mashed potatoes. This recipe was a favorite in my husband’s family. His mother, who worked as a desktop engineer for Banner IT was kind enough to share it with me. Last year, my son asked me to teach him how to make it so he could prepare it for his girlfriend’s parents. It must have been a hit as they are getting married later this month.
Main Courses
I N G R E D I E N T S ´ 1/2 lb. small red potatoes ´ 1 small onion, chopped
STEPS 1. Cut up the brats. 2. Drain the sauerkraut. 3. Slice the bacon into one-inch pieces. Brown them in a skillet on the stove top. Drain on a paper towel. 4. Scrub the potatoes and cut in 1/4 inch slices. 5. Chop up the onion.
6. Mix the vinegar, water, sugar, celery seed, salt and flour in a small bowl; mix until there are no lumps. Add this to the slow cooker, stir until this mixture thickens. Cook on high for five minutes. 7. Add the potatoes and onion to the crock pot into the vinegar mixture; also add the bacon at this time. Gently stir this together. 8. Add the brats and the sauerkraut. 9. Turn to low and cook for four to six hours making sure the brats and potatoes are fully cooked.
´ 3 cup water ´ 4 slices bacon ´ 1 cup plus 2 Tbsp apple cider vinegar ´ 2 Tbsp sugar ´ 1/2 tsp celery seed ´ 1 tsp salt ´ 2 Tbsp flour
´ 4 beer brats cut into bite size pieces ´ 12 oz Bavarian sauerkraut drained
Allergy warning: Flour, gluten Vegetarian & Vegan: Remove bacon and brats
John Everett CSA Department: Informatics Time with Banner: 2 months Location: Page, AZ
DESCRIPTION Recipe Origin : USA - Homemade Brief description: A single man just throwin’ together foods. GENERAL Est. Prep Time: 30 - 45 minutes Est. Cook Time: 5-6hours inacrockpot Number of servings: Approx. 6 Heat level (0-5): 0
Main Courses
CamiAnn Pulled Pork
I N G R E D I E N T S ´ Large pork shoulder or butt ´ Use your favorite seasoning (I like season salt, lemon pepper, garlic salt, salt, black pepper, cayenne pepper) ´ 1 large sweet white onion ´ 1 cup brown sugar ´ 1/2 ketchup
STEPS 1. Wash the pork shoulder/butt. 2. Season the pork; rub seasoning into the meat. 3. Thinly slice the onion. 4. Put the meat, onion and 1/2Dr. Pepper into the crock pot. 5. Let the meat cook for five to six hours on low.
6. Mix mustards (yellow and Dijon) with brown sugar and remaining Dr. Pepper. 7. Pour the mixture over the meat. 8. Cook for two more hours. Get ready for some good eating!
´ 1/2 cup yellowmustard ´ 1/2 cup dijon mustard ´ 11/2 can of Dr. Pepper
Allergy warning: N/A Vegetarian & Vegan: N/A
Ann Dillon ITCoordinator II Department: IT Service Delivery COE Time with Banner: 4 years Location: Phoenix
DESCRIPTION Recipe Origin : South - USA
Brief description: Crock Pot Pulled Pork - I’ve been making this recipe for years, and through trial and error, I mastered a great-tasting pulled pork to eat as a side dish or sliders. GENERAL Est. Prep Time: 5 minutes Est. Cook Time: 8hrs inacrockpot Number of servings: 8 Heat level (0-5): 0
Main Courses
Thai Green Curry
I N G R E D I E N T S ´ 2 chicken breasts (cut into cubes) ´ 1 (15 oz) canned mushrooms ´ 1 (19 oz) canned bamboo strips ´ 1 (14 oz) canned coconut cream ´ 1 cup of water ´ 5 cloves of garlic (minced) ´ 1 tsp salt ´ 1 tsp sugar ´ 2 Tbsp fish sauce ´ cup of green curry paste ´ ¼ cup of oil ´ 3 stems of Thai basil (use only the leaves) Allergy warning: Coconut Vegetarian & Vegan: Substitute fish saucewith vegetarian seasoning; substitute proteinwith only vegetables
STEPS 1. Cut chicken breasts into cubes. Set aside. 2. Boil the canned mushrooms and bamboo strips in water on medium heat (about 20 minutes). This step helps take away the sour taste from canned veggies. 3. After boiling, drain the canned mushrooms and bamboo strips. Set aside. 4. Heat oil into a medium-size pot. Add garlic and sauté. 5. Add in the curry paste. Sauté for about five minutes on medium high heat. 6. Add in the chicken breast cubes (or any other protein). Cook for approximately 10 minutes. Continue mixing the chicken in the pot. 7. Add in can of coconut cream and water. 8. Add in strained mushrooms, bamboo strips and basil.
Kathy Vongsavath ITCustomer RelationsCoordinator Department: IT Customer Success Time with Banner: 1 year 6 months Location: Phoenix
9. Add in the salt, sugar and fish sauce. 10. Simmer on low for about 15 minutes. 11. Serve over steamed Jasmine rice.
DESCRIPTION Recipe Origin : Thai/Lao
Brief description: This recipe is our family’s version of spicy green curry. You can always substitute the protein to your preference or just use veggies. This dish is definitely spicy, which is popular in our household. GENERAL Est. Prep Time: 1 hour
Est. Cook Time: 30minutes Number of servings: 4 - 6 Heat level (0-5): 4
Main Courses
Salisbury Steak
I N G R E D I E N T S ´ 1 lb ground beef ´ 1 egg ´ 1 cup onion, minced ´ 1 cup bread crumbs or crackers ´ 1 can mushroom soup ´ 10 oz milk ´ 1/8 tsp pepper
STEPS 1. Mix ground beef, egg, onion and bread crumbs into two-inch balls. 2. Brown meatballs in large skillet. 3. Drain extra grease.
4. In medium bowl, mix soup, milk and pepper (add more pepper to taste). 5. Pour mixture in skillet over meatballs. 6. Simmer on low to medium, stirring occasionally until mixture thickens—roughly 40 minutes.
Allergy warning: Dairy, eggs Vegetarian & Vegan: N/A
Deanna Wise SVP/Chief InformationOfficer Department: IT Time with Banner: 3 years Location: Phoenix
DESCRIPTION Recipe Origin : Indiana Brief description: Wise family recipe GENERAL
Est. Prep Time: 10 minutes Est. Cook Time: 55minutes Number of servings: 4 Heat level (0-5): 3
Main Courses
Zuppa Toscana
I N G R E D I E N T S ´ 1 lb Italian sausage (or chicken or turkey sausage). Can get spicy or “hot” version, if preferred ´ 1 medium head garlic, 10 large cloves, peeled and minced or pressed ´ 1 medium onion, finely diced ´ 4 cups chicken broth/stock (32 oz) ´ 6 cups water (48 oz) ´ 5 medium russet potatoes, peeled and chopped into1” thick pieces ´ 4 cups spinach or kale ´ 1 cup whipping cream (can skip or substitute with coconut milk) ´ Salt and black pepper to taste ´ Parmesan cheese to serve, optional
STEPS 1. In a large pot or dutch oven (5.5 qt), over medium- high heat, add Italian sausage (breaking it up with your spatula) and sauté until browned (five to seven minutes). Remove and place on paper towel- lined plate when done. 2. Finely dice onion and add to the pot. Saute five minutes or until soft and golden. Add minced garlic and saute one minute. 3. Add four cups broth and six cups water and bring to boil. Add sliced potatoes and cook 13-14 minutes or until easily pierced with a fork. 4. When potatoes are nearly done, add chopped kale/ spinach and cooked sausage. Bring everything to a light boil. 5. (If desired) stir in one cup cream/coconut milk and bring to boil. 6. Season to taste with salt and black pepper, then remove from heat. Garnish with parmesan and crushed red pepper (if desired). Allergy warning: Dairy (heavingwhipping cream). This is optional. You canmake the recipewithout any cream (chicken broth only), or if a thicker soup is desired, can use unsweetened coconutmilk instead. Vegetarian & Vegan: I personally substitute the Italian sausage for either chicken or turkey sausage (I prefer spicy Italian chicken sausage). You could alsoopt for a vegetarian option, such as a tofu or veggie-based sausage. Youmay also use vegetable broth instead of chicken broth for a vegan option.
Julie Harr BiomedEngProject Consultant Department: Integrated Clinical Technology Time with Banner: 3 years 6 months Location: Phoenix
GENERAL Est. Prep Time: 15 minutes Est. Cook Time: 25 minutes Number of servings: 8 Heat level (0-5): 3
DESCRIPTION Recipe Origin : Tuscany, Italy
Brief description: Zuppa Toscana is a traditional Italian soup, literally meaning “Tuscan soup.” Classic Zuppa Toscana is typically made from kale, zucchini, cannellini beans, potatoes, celery, carrots, onion, tomato pulp, extra virgin olive oil, salt, powdered chili, toasted Tuscan bread and rigatino (an Italian bacon). My family makes the “North American” version (with a fewmodifications), popularized by Olive Garden and made with Italian sausage, crushed red peppers, diced white onion, bacon, garlic puree, chicken bouillon, heavy cream, potatoes and kale.
Main Courses
Tin Can Chili
I N G R E D I E N T S ´ 3 cans of black beans ´ 3 cans of red kidney beans ´ 2 cans of Bush’s crushed tomatoes (can use chili flavored for extra heat) ´ 2 cans of white beans ´ 2 Tbsp dried minced onions ´ 2 Tbsp chili powder (more for extra heat) ´ 2 lbs. ground protein (beef, turkey, textured vegetable protein (TVP)) ´ Spices of your preferences
STEPS 1. Brown the ground protein source with the minced onions, spices and juice from the tomatoes until thoroughly cooked. 2. Open all cans of chili, do not drain the liquids. 3. Add ground protein source to the beans and tomatoes over a low heat. 4. Let the chili ‘simmer’ and enjoy. (tastes best on day two or three).
Allergy warning: N/A Vegetarian & Vegan: UseTVP instead ofmeat
Kim Popken ITSolutionOwner Department: IT Administration & Engagement Time with Banner: 13 years Location: Gilbert, AZ
DESCRIPTION Recipe Origin : Midwest USA Brief description: My grandma would make her “Tin Can Chili”, which in my head, was always 10 Can Chili, you’ll see why ... GENERAL
Est. Prep Time: 2 minutes Est. Cook Time: 20 minutes Number of servings: 40 Heat level (0-5): 3
Desserts & Drinks
Desserts & Drinks
Biscoff Banana Pudding
I N G R E D I E N T S ´ 1 (5.1 ounce) package instant vanilla pudding and pie filling mix ´ 2 cups whole milk ´ 1 quart heavy cream ´ 1/2 cup powdered sugar ´ 1 (14 ounce) can sweetened condensed milk ´ 1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract ´ 1 (11 ounce) package vanilla wafers ´ 1 (8.8 ounce) package Biscoff ´ 10 medium bananas (cut into 1/4 inch thick slices)
STEPS 1. Beat pudding/pie filling mix and whole milk in a medium bowl with an electric mixer on low speed until combined and slightly thickened, about 2 minutes. Let stand at room temperature until soft- set, about 5 minutes. 2. Beat together cream and powdered sugar in a large bowl with electric mixer on medium-high speed until stiff peaks form, about 5 minutes (this takes much longer than 5 minutes for me!). Carefully fold in sweetened condensed milk, vanilla and pudding mixture until just combined. 3. In a separate ziplock plastic bag, coarsely crush 5 vanilla wafers and 4 Biscoff cookies; set aside for garnish. Reserve 16 of the remaining vanilla wafers.
4. Arrange another 16 of the remaining vanilla wafers and 7 of the remaining Biscoff cookies in a single layer in a 4 1/2 quart trifle dish, alternating vanilla wafer and cookie rows, breaking as needed to fit dish. Place 2 1/2 cups banana slices in an even layer on top of cookies and along outside of dish. Spread 3 cups vanilla custard in an even layer over bananas. Repeat layering process 3 times with remaining vanilla wafers, Biscoff cookies, banana slices and vanilla custard. Sprinkle crushed cookies over top layer of custard. Insert reserved 16 vanilla wafers around edge of dish. Loosely cover with plastic wrap, and refrigerate at least 3 hours or up to 12 hours before serving.
Heidi Hempen Director Department: IT Customer Success Time with Banner: 22 years Location: Peoria, AZ
Allergy warning: Dairy Vegetarian & Vegan: N/A
DESCRIPTION Recipe Origin : Texas/Louisiana area
Brief description: My husband, Josh, loves banana pudding and this is a decadent, grown-up version. Very cool and refreshing in the summer. GENERAL Est. Prep Time: 20 minutes Est. Cook Time: Refrigerate at least 3 hours before serving Number of servings: 20 Heat level (0-5): 0
Desserts & Drinks
Banz Keto Chocolate Chip Cookies
I N G R E D I E N T S ´ ¾ cup softened butter or coconut oil ´ 2/3 cup granular sweetener (I use Lakanto’s monkfruit) ´ 2 eggs ´ 2 tsp vanilla extract (I use Mexican vanilla) ´ 3 cups almond flour ´ tsp baking soda ´ tsp salt ´ 9 oz. bag sugar free chocolate chips
STEPS 1. Pre-heatovento350degrees. 2. Addsoftenedbutter (orcoconutoil) andsweetener in astandmixer (orhandmixerwitha largebowl),mixon mediumuntil combined. 3. Add2eggsandvanillaandmixuntil combined. 4. Combinealmondflour, bakingsodaandsalt ina mediumbowl. 5. Adddry ingredientstowet ingredientsandmixuntil combined. 6. Fold inchocolatechips. 7. Scoop18-22cookiesonto linedbakingsheet (youmay need2dependingonhowbigyoursheetsare). 8. Bakefor10-12minutes. 9. Letcool onthecookiesheets for30minutes.Thesewill staysoftanddelicious forat least4days inanair tight container.
Allergy warning: Eggs, flour Vegetarian & Vegan: N/A
Morgan Raimo ITAdministrationProgramDirector Department: IT Administration and Engagement Time with Banner: 17 years Location: Mesa, AZ
Brief description: My family tries to limit our sugar and carb intake, so when I came across this recipe from LowCarbwith Jennifer , a recipe blog, I knew I had to try it out. These cookies have become a family favorite and are requestedmore often thanmy regular chocolate chip cookies. Best part is …only 2 net carbs per cookie! GENERAL
Est. Prep Time: 10 minutes Est. Cook Time: 12minutes Number of servings: 20 - 22 Heat level (0-5): 0
Desserts & Drinks
Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie
I N G R E D I E N T S Oreo Crust (Option: If you don’t like messing with pie crust, the pre-made Oreo crust works great) ´ 2 cups chocolate wafer crumbs or boxed Oreo crumbs ´ 1/2 cup peanut butter Peanut Butter Mousse ´ 4 oz. cream cheese (room temperature) ´ 3 cup powdered sugar ´ 1 cup peanut butter ´ 2 cups heavy cream, whipped Ganache ´ 8 oz. semi-sweet chocolate, finely chopped ´ 11 cup heavy cream ´ Whipped cream and mini peanut butter cups to garnish (optional) Allergy warning: Contains peanut butter and dairy
STEPS *If making crust ... if using pre-made crust, skip to step 5 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 2. Process the chocolate wafer cookies in a food processor until very fine and measure out two cups. Add peanut butter and pulse until combined. 3. Press crumbs into the bottom of a 9-inch springform pan. 4. Bake for 10 minutes. Remove to rack and cool completely. 5. For the mousse, beat cream cheese, peanut butter and powdered sugar in a stand mixer with the paddle attachment until smooth on low - medium. 6. Increase speed to medium-high and mix well. 7. Add about 1/3 of the whipped heavy cream to the peanut butter mixture and mix on low until combined. 8. Remove mixing bowl frommixer and gently fold in half of the remaining whipped heavy creamwith a spatula. Once that’s mixed in, fold in the remainder of the whipped heavy cream. 9. Pour the mousse over the crust and smooth with an offset spatula. Freeze until firm (about four hours). 10. Make the ganache by placing the chopped chocolate in a heat-proof bowl. Microwave the heavy cream in a microwave-safe cup, just short of boiling. 11. Pour the heated-up heavy cream over the chocolate and let sit for three to four minutes. Whisk until smooth. 12. Cool for about five minutes, then pour over the mousse. 13. Return pie to freezer. 14. To serve, remove pie from freezer for a couple hours to allow to defrost. 15. Slice and add a dollop of whipped cream and some mini peanut butter cups to garnish, if desired.
Morgan Raimo IT Administration ProgramDirector Department: IT Administration & Engagement Time with Banner: 16 years Location: Mesa, AZ
DESCRIPTION Recipe Origin : Indiana
Brief description: I’m not a huge peanut butter fan, but when my mother-in-lawmade this dessert earlier this year, I knew I had to have the recipe. It’s delicious, light and can be made ahead of time. It’s become a family favorite. GENERAL Est. Prep Time: 40 min. (total time about 6 hours with freezing) Est. Cook Time: 10 minutes Number of servings: 12 Heat level (0-5): 0
Desserts & Drinks
Cream Roulette/Rollet
I N G R E D I E N T S ´ 6 eggs ´ 4 oz all-purpose flour ´ 4 oz granulated sugar ´ 18 oz heavy whipped cream ´ 2 oz milk ´ 1 tsp vanilla powder ´ 2 oz vegetable oil ´ 16 oz heavy whipped cream
STEPS 1. Preheat theovento350. 2. Cutasheetofbakerypaper tofit thebottomofyour ovenpan. Leave itaside. 3. Separatetheyolksandalbumensof theeggs. 4. Addyolks,oil, vanillapowderandmilk inamixerandmix foraboutonetotwominutes. 5. Addtheflour tothemixandmixwithaspoon, notwith amixer. 6. Batter thealbumensuntil theymakeanextrapuff. 7. Addsugar tothebatteredalbumensandtothemixture onstep5andmix itwell foraboutonetotwominutes. 8. Pour thecakebatter inthecenterofpreparedpan.With aflexiblespatula, gentlyguidethebatter toall corners, sotheentirepan iscoveredevenly. 9. Bakefor10-12minutes inpre-heatedoven,oruntil the top is lightgoldenbrown. 10. Spreada largepastryclothoveraflatsurfaceand sprinkletwotablespoonsgranulatedsugarevenlyon it toprevent thecakefromstickingtocloth. 11. Removethebakedcakefromtheoven.Slideaknifeall aroundthepantoseparatethecakefromthesides. 12. Invert thecakeontothepreparedclothandpeel away theparchmentpapergentlyusingaspatulaorknifeto separatethepaper fromthecake. 13. Withthesideclosetoyou, roll upthecakeandtuck in theendsofclothandcontinuerolling. 14. Cool therolledcakefor30minutes intherefrigeratoror until itcoolsdownat roomtemperature.
Preparing the Whipped Cream Filling 1. Inthemixerbowl, addheavycreamandsugarandwhip on lowspeeduntil softpeaks form. 2. Addvanillaandwhiponhighspeeduntil stiffpeaks form. Donotover-whip;otherwise it’ll separateandyou’ll needtodoanotheroneagain. Prepare the Roulette 1. Unroll the cooled roulette very gently and place a layer of whipped cream evenly on the cake and roll it up again by gently pressing on top with both hands. 2. Use a serrated knife to slice off about half inch from either end for a better look. 3. Place the roulette on a serving platter and cover it with plastic wrap. 4. Refrigerate it for eight hours or more. 5. Optional: You can decorate the top of the Roulette with cocoa and/or powdered sugar. You can also use melted chocolate or shaved semi-sweet chocolate over the cake or even use your favorite berries (e.g. strawberries, blackberries) 6. Cut the roulette in equal 8-10 slices before serving.
Allergy warning: Dairy, eggs Vegetarian & Vegan: N/A
Ben Asrari ITArchitect Department: IT Clin Apps Insurance Division Time with Banner: 6 years 5 months Location: Phoenix
DESCRIPTION Recipe Origin : Persian
Brief description: CreamRoulette is one themost popular Persian desserts. The roulette is from the sponge cake family, but with less puff, and is baked thinly (almost half inch) and filled with vanilla cream. Wemake this dessert for a variety of occasions such as family gatherings, visiting friends and birthdays. GENERAL
Est. Prep Time: 45 minutes Est. Cook Time: 15minutes Number of servings: 8 - 10 Heat level (0-5): 0
Desserts & Drinks
Nani’s Peanut Butter Balls
I N G R E D I E N T S ´ 1 cup creamy peanut butter ´ 1/2 cup condensed milk ´ 1/2 cup powdered sugar ´ 1/2 cup mini chocolate chips
STEPS 1. Putall of the ingredients inabowl. 2. Mixall of the ingredientstogetheruntilwellmixedwith aspoon. 3. Takeasmall amountofmixtureandroll inhandstoform aball. 4. Placeball inatight-seal container.Continuerollingmix intoballsuntil all of themixture isgone. 5. Enjoy immediatelyorplace intherefrigerator fora fewhours.
Allergy warning: Peanut butter Vegetarian & Vegan: N/A
Morgan Raimo ITAdministrationProgramDirector Department: IT Administration & Engagement Time with Banner: 16 years Location: Mesa, AZ
Brief description: Mymother-in-law used tomake these simple peanut butter balls beforemy husband would go off to summer camp as a child. He enjoyed themsomuch andmissed having them, so I asked her for the recipe. She took the time to teachme this recipe, and now it’s become our children’s favorite treat, too. GENERAL Est. Prep Time: 10 minutes Est. Cook Time: N/A Number of servings: Approx. 30 balls Heat level (0-5): 0
Desserts & Drinks
Absolute Best Chocolate Chip Cookies
I N G R E D I E N T S ´ 8 oz (unsalted) sweet butter ´ 1 tsp salt ´ 1 tsp vanilla extract ´ 3 cup granulated sugar ´ 3 cup light brown sugar ´ 2 large or extra-large eggs ´ 21cups unsifted all-purpose flour ´ 1 tsp hot water ´ 1 tsp baking soda ´ 12 oz chocolate chips Optional: ´ Raisins, cranraisins or nuts
STEPS 1. Pre-heatovento375degrees. 2. Cutaluminumfoil tofitcookiesheet. 3. In largemixingbowl, creamsweetbutter, saltandvanilla. 4. Addbothsugarsandeggsandbeatwell. 5. Turnmixer to lowspeed. 6. Addabout1/2theflour (littleover1cup; thisdoesn’t needtobeexact, about1/2theflour). 7. Dissolvethebakingsoda inthehotwater. 8. Adddissolvedbakingsodatothemixture,mix. 9. Addtheremainingflourandmixwell. 10. Stir inchocolatechipsbyhand. 11. Addanyotheradd-ins (raisins, nuts, cranraisins). 12. At thispoint, youcouldrefrigeratethedoughandbake later. Itcanberefrigerateduptoaweek. 13. Dropbytablespoon(I sometimesmakethemlarger; it addsbakingtime)ontocookiesheet. Hint: Youcanmakethemintoabarcookie.Usea13x 9 inchcakepan insteadofacookiepan. Placeall the dough inthepanandbakeuntil brown.
Allergy warning: Eggs, flour Vegetarian & Vegan: N/A
Linda Hill ITServiceOperations Sr. Director Department: IT Service Delivery and Service Operations Time with Banner: 3 years 7 months Location: Phoenix
14. Bake in375-degreeovenfor10-12minutes. Grab a glass of milk and enjoy!
DESCRIPTION Recipe Origin : USA Brief description: The original version was in the food section of the newspaper. Back in the day, when you got the newspaper every day GENERAL Est. Prep Time: 20 minutes Est. Cook Time: 10-12minutes Number of servings: 3 dozen cookies Heat level (0-5): 0
Desserts & Drinks
Delicious Chocolate Chip Mug Cookie
I N G R E D I E N T S ´ 1 Tbsp butter ´ 1 Tbsp sugar ´ 1 Tbsp brown sugar ´ 1/2 tsp vanilla ´ 1 small pinch of salt ´ 1 egg yolk ´ 3 Tbsp flour ´ 11/2Tbsp chocolate chips
STEPS 1. Meltbutter inmug(microwave20seconds). 2. Addbothsugars, saltandvanillatomeltedbutterand mixwell. 3. Addeggyolkandmixwell. 4. Addflourandmixwell. 5. Fold inchocolatechips. 6. Microwaveonhighfor50-60secondsmax. 7. Letsit foroneminute. 8. Serve hot and addwhipped creamor vanilla ice cream.
Allergy warning: Gluten, eggs, flour, dairy Vegetarian & Vegan: N/A
Michelle Ware ITEngagementOwner Department: IT Clinical Apps Engagement & Support Time with Banner: 12 years Location: Chandler, AZ
DESCRIPTION Recipe Origin : USA Brief description: A delicious chocolate chip cookie in amug! My daughter and I used to lovemaking these and adding whipped creamor vanilla ice creamon top. Fun tomake with kids! GENERAL Est. Prep Time: 3 minutes Est. Cook Time: 50-60seconds Number of servings: 1 Heat level (0-5): 0
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