IT Digital Cookbook - Second Edition
Desserts & Drinks
Banz Keto Chocolate Chip Cookies
I N G R E D I E N T S ´ ¾ cup softened butter or coconut oil ´ 2/3 cup granular sweetener (I use Lakanto’s monkfruit) ´ 2 eggs ´ 2 tsp vanilla extract (I use Mexican vanilla) ´ 3 cups almond flour ´ tsp baking soda ´ tsp salt ´ 9 oz. bag sugar free chocolate chips
STEPS 1. Pre-heatovento350degrees. 2. Addsoftenedbutter (orcoconutoil) andsweetener in astandmixer (orhandmixerwitha largebowl),mixon mediumuntil combined. 3. Add2eggsandvanillaandmixuntil combined. 4. Combinealmondflour, bakingsodaandsalt ina mediumbowl. 5. Adddry ingredientstowet ingredientsandmixuntil combined. 6. Fold inchocolatechips. 7. Scoop18-22cookiesonto linedbakingsheet (youmay need2dependingonhowbigyoursheetsare). 8. Bakefor10-12minutes. 9. Letcool onthecookiesheets for30minutes.Thesewill staysoftanddelicious forat least4days inanair tight container.
Allergy warning: Eggs, flour Vegetarian & Vegan: N/A
Morgan Raimo ITAdministrationProgramDirector Department: IT Administration and Engagement Time with Banner: 17 years Location: Mesa, AZ
Brief description: My family tries to limit our sugar and carb intake, so when I came across this recipe from LowCarbwith Jennifer , a recipe blog, I knew I had to try it out. These cookies have become a family favorite and are requestedmore often thanmy regular chocolate chip cookies. Best part is …only 2 net carbs per cookie! GENERAL
Est. Prep Time: 10 minutes Est. Cook Time: 12minutes Number of servings: 20 - 22 Heat level (0-5): 0
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