IT Cybersecurity & Privacy Resource Library - 2022

From the Desks of...

Pause & Reflect

Resource Library

Health care is being hit by cyber attackers at greater levels than ever before. National agencies, such as the FBI, are sending warnings across our industry alerting us to these situations. Remember, YOU are the first line of defense and our best weapon is education and awareness. We want to provide you with valuable resources in one location to help raise awareness on popular cybersecurity and privacy topics. This library is created for you to learn and share the knowledge both at work and at home. Let’s work together to protect Banner and ourselves.

Dave Schauble, VP Chief Information Security Officer

Privacy and cybersecurity topics go hand in hand, which is why we’ve partnered with the IT Cybersecurity team to create this library for you. The more awareness we create around these important topics, the more prepared you’ll be at work and at home. Protecting Sofia is important, not only because of regulatory standards, but also to protect the trust in the Banner brand. We need to work together to protect Sofia’s information, and one way to do this is to provide resources for you to be more aware.

“Security is better when it’s built in, not bolted on”. - Stephen Yu

Kristen Eversole, Privacy Senior Director/Chief Privacy Officer

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