IT Cybersecurity & Privacy Resource Library - 2022
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Identifying Phishing and Ransomware Attacks
There’s a new 3-second rule Some people use the “three-second rule” to apply when they drop food they’re eating on the ground – if you pick it up within three seconds, it’s “safe” to eat. Now we’re applying a similar rule to how you should react when you receive a suspicious email. Let’s protect Sofia, Banner and our team members by following three simple steps. THE NEW3-SECOND RULE 1. Pause before responding when you get a suspicious email 2. Reflect on the context and links 3. Click the Report Phish button if you believe the email is suspicious
What Sensitive Information Do Cyber Criminals Want?
Financial Information
Protected Health Information
Ransomware is a malicious software that can a�ect our ability to access computer programs and data, generally started through a phishing email. The intent of phishing messages is typically to get the recipient to click a link or to open an attachment.
What Bait is Used to Hook You?
Desire to Please
Current Trends
Signs of a Suspicious Email
To: Subject: URGENT!!!!! Respond Now!!!!! Hello, Your pssword is about to expire. You will locked out if you do not respond today!!!
Spelling & Grammar errors Request for Log In Credentials
Please send your username and password to or click this link to update your password.
Unusual Sender / Reply To Address Suspicious Links
Thank You, Help Desk
Identifying phishing emails and NOT clicking on links or opening attached documents is critical since the majority of ransomware attacks start from these emails.
WHAT CAN I DO? If you suspect an email is a phish- ing attempt, report it by clicking the report email button in Outlook OR forward the email to:
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