2020 Accomplishments Brochure

Accomplishments from PI and IT for the year 2020.

CIO Connect 2020 Year in Review

2020 Accomplishments:

From the desk of Deanna Wise SVP/Chief Information Officer

Keep Running I can’t express enough how proud I am of Banner, our frontline workers, our technical first responders and the Performance Improvement and Information Technology teams throughout 2020 during a global pandemic.  It’s often said that working in health care is a calling. Well, that calling was challenged this past year. For many, it was a reaffirmation of the decision to work in a field where the work we do is greater than ourselves.  While we were busy moving thousands of teammembers to a remote work environment, bringing innovation to telehealth and data analytics, setting up testing and vaccine sites, we kept running.  You ran to do your job faster, better, more effi- ciently and more creatively. You were and are critical to our Mission to make health care easier, so life can be better.  I’m proud of each and every one of you and your dedication to Sofia, our customers and to each other. Keep running. Deanna


CIOConnect | 2020 Year In Review

PAUSE & REFLECT Footprints on the sands of time are not made by sitting down. – Proverb


CIOConnect | 2020 Year In Review

2020 Accomplishments:

COVID-19 The past year has been both challenging and inspirational as we navigate through this new world with COVID-19. As Information Technology teammembers, we’ve been supporting our physicians, nurses and clinicians as they care for our patients battling what has become a global pandemic. Through it all, we have much to be thankful for and proud of, as we reflect on 2020.

Implemented a variety of digital solutions in support of a newwork- from-home model (PC and Kronos attestations, visitation check in) Delivery of extensive, transparent data was leveraged to improve COVID-19 management across Banner

Jointly delivered Telehealth across Banner in support of Ambulatory, Acute and COVID-19 Technology Management deployed approximately 375 additional ventilators from the state, counties and Strategic National Stockpile reserves. This effort meant a 55% increase in adult ventilator inventory during COVID peak usage. This is approximately 200 patients per day receiving critical ventilation products during surges. Technology Management deployed nearly 3,000 pieces of restored medical devices includ- ing ventilators, fixed and mobile physiologic monitoring, infusion therapy, patient beds/stretchers and dialysis units

Transitioned and supported ~5,000 teammembers to work from home

Jointly built out and equipped 211 new patient care spaces


CIOConnect | 2020 Year In Review


CIOConnect | 2020 Year In Review

2020 Accomplishments:

IT & Performance Improvement Partnership

In 2020, the Performance Improvement (PI) team reported into SVP/Chief Information Officer Deanna Wise on an interim basis, allowing Marjorie Bessel, MDmore time to focus on direct COVID-19 priorities and improving process and efficiencies with project management. Although the team has now returned to reporting to Dr. Bessel as our organizational needs surrounding COVID-19 evolve, we’re thankful for the relationship we built and continue to work closely with the PI team. The Performance Improvement Team is a high- impact, multi-disciplinary internal team, focused on data and outcome delivery to accelerate organizational performance. We offer dedicated support for Project Management, Process Engineering and Change Management.


CIOConnect | 2020 Year In Review

Provided stable and focused leadership, helped build a transparent culture, provided alignment for successful partnerships between IT and PI team members and helped teammembers excel Initiated ePMO framework to ensure repeatable and scalable project implementations

Initiated framework to prioritize and track projects

Initiated Project Scorecards & Impact Briefs to ensure measurement and recognition Highlighted work and focus on annual initiatives and long-term Initiatives with the organization’s senior leadership

Strengthened relationship with M&A—playbooks in development for smoother integrations

Enhanced the collaboration and relationship between IT & PI—allowing improved outcomes for Banner


CIOConnect | 2020 Year In Review

2020 Accomplishments:

Culture, service and leadership All success begins and ends with people. A critical component to IT’s success is in the strong relationships we build and the collaboration that follows. In 2020, these partnerships resulted in important improvements and achievements that continue to elevate our outcomes and delivery and set us up for future evolution and success.


CIOConnect | 2020 Year In Review

Strong business relationships & collaboration


CIOConnect | 2020 Year In Review

2020 Accomplishments:

Supporting Sofia & financial stewardship


CIOConnect | 2020 Year In Review

Strong business relationships & collaboration

• 2020 IT Customer Service Survey results of “overall satisfaction” went up to 4.39 from 3.84 in 2019 • Established IT Customer Success team —a new strategic and business relationship function dedicated to proactively partnering with business leaders within an assigned geographical service area • Improved Banner system up-time significantly with implementation of Change Management structure and Pause-Reflect-Click (think before you make a change) • Overachieved on IT Service Level Goal , max goal reaching 98.16% on a max goal of 97% • Partnered with Strategy and achieved maximum performance on the final year of the Digital Front Door Long Term Initiative • Improved availability and reliability of imaging studies , allowing more accurate, timely and responsive care plan, deploying an enterprise PACS imaging system, providing Sofia with improved continuity of care across all Banner venues of care • Partnered with Banner Imaging , implementing a consolidated radiology information system; enabling standardization and sharing of best practices across the organization, resulting in simplified scheduling, release of records and continuity of care • Took over Service Management of the entire imaging fleet and assisted in critical activities to get the PACS system operational

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2020 Accomplishments:

18 leaders from PI and IT earn top marks We celebrate each of our leaders recognized this year in the top 10% of leadership in the annual VOICE survey. They exemplify putting others first and leading by example. Their ability to lead from the front inspires us.

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Strong business relationships & collaboration

Kevin Andert Tech Mgmt/ENTECH, Director

Rande Newhard ITOperations, Director

Matthew Baum IT Solution Owner

Connell Nolan Change Management, Sr Director

Bryce Carder VP IT Business Services

Robert Romanowski Biomed Tech, Supervisor

Elevsis Delgadillo IT Digital Business, Sr Director

TomSadler ITOperations, Director

Liz Devereux IT Infrastructure, Sr Director

David Schauble VP Chief Information Security Officer

Kipp Drake IITOperations, Director

Chris Scott VP IT Infrastructure &Operations

Doug Eckhardt Reporting & Analysis, Director

Darla Soller IT Director

Linda Hill IT Service Operations, Sr Director

John Styers Tech Mgmt/ENTECH, Director

John Hogg Tech Management/ENTECH, Senior Manager

Ron Tuscany IT Business Applications, Sr Director

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2020 Accomplishments:

Driving innovation

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Strong business relationships & collaboration

• Partnered with Homecare/Hospice deploying a new EMR and Revenue Cycle system, which has already achieved the projected return on investment • Partnered with HR and delivered a new, improved employee experience with the go live of MyHR 2.0, powered by Workday • Partnered with Revenue Cycle for modernization efforts improving the workflow, productivity and financial performance of our patient financial services teammembers • Deployed Tap & Go single sign-on at an additional 10 acute care facilities, saving clinicians valuable time to provide care • Partnered with Clinical Informatics and others to stand up Ocotillo Hospital including new CareAware technology, improving care quality and care communication • Deployed 13,000 phones across 109 sites to support our OneVoice strategy —when many organizations stopped these types of deployments, we kept running • National Recognition on how to process single use items (e.g., N95 Masks, laryngoscope blades) to keep our caregivers safe and further enable patient care in the face of a broken national supply chain

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2020 Accomplishments:

Customer support & partnerships

• Enabled patients in our hospitals to place meal orders using their mobile phones

• Partnered with the Insurance Division to consolidate systems between our Banner Health Network and Banner University Health Plans for claims, acuity and provider data

• Developed an IT Vendor Management organization to drive contract negotiation and vendor oversight—this contributed to $4.5M in IT cost reductions

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Strong business relationships & collaboration

• Received 2020 Banner

Amazement Award for our Physician Pre-Employment Made Easier (PPME) 

• Under budget despite various budget absorptions of ~ $7.3M

• Partnered with Finance Leadership (EKG Team) to

evaluate and approve all capital purchases during the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure money spent was for highest and best use purposes • Capital savings approached $15M as a function of equipment restoration, developing alternatives to reduce and eliminate the spend and targeting appropriate deferrals to preserve cash while minimizing clinical and business risk

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2020 Accomplishments:

Strong business relationships & collaboration

Helping Hands Initiative IT and PI teams supported over 1,000 redeployment shifts in support of the Helping Hands initiative.

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2020 Accomplishments:

Banner IT named in Top 100 Banner Health is selected as one of Insider Pro and Computerworld’s “100 Best Places to work in IT” for 2020.

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2020 Accomplishments:

1.5 M Mobile Vital Signs Supported Monthly 2,747 ENTECH Supported Calls

408,985 Patients Accessing Patient Portal

299,021 Medical Equipment Supported 4,400 Mitigated FDA recalls or hazard alerts


New Digital Workers “Birthed”

Green House Reduced 359,021 lbs.

2020 IT Fast Facts Jan. 1 - Dec. 31, 2020

Water Saved 40,975 Gallons

Total Recycled Equipment 359,021 lbs.

13,681 Trees Saved

Earned Computerworld’s Top 100 Places toWork in IT

7,700 Servers

16.6 Petabytes Data Storage Capacity

Clinical Service Desk Interactions 345,247

Service Desk Interactions

10 Data Centers


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End User All Devices Supported Desktops, Laptops and Mobile Device 222,747 60,338

600M End Point Blocked Events

116 Million

Blocked Phishing, Spam, Malware Threats


Telephony Devices

Requests Ful�lled

Incidents Resolved

461,849 207,710


Computer Users

1,206,097 Emails Sent/Received Per Day

1,500+ Applications Supported

300,000+ Hours of Clinician Time Saved Due to Tap and Go

60k Email Accounts

121,175 Meetings Created Each Day

152,990 Clinicians and Sta� Interactions via Clinical Informatics Coordinators

IT Support Across Six States 30 hospitals | 4 corporate o�ces | 729 locations 53 urgent care facilities | 349 ambulatory clinics and over 51,000 teammembers Health and Insurance Plan

Daily Faxes 26,692

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Banner Health Information Technology We are dedicated to the Mission of Banner Health to make health care easier, so life can be better. We are focused on hiring and retaining the best IT talent, driving innovation, providing legendary service and delivering successful outcomes.

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