IT Digital Cookbook - Second Edition


Easy Peasy, No Knead Bread

I N G R E D I E N T S ´ 3 cups all-purpose flour ´ 2 tsp active dry yeast ´ 11/2 tsp salt ´ 11/2 cups warmwater

STEPS 1. Combinetheflour, yeastandsalt ina largebowl andstir tocombine. Ifyou’readdinganythingtotherecipe like rosemary, garlicand/orparmesan,mix inwiththedry ingredientsnow. 2. Addthewaterandmixuntil thedoughformsaball. 3. Cover thebowlwithplasticwrap(sprayedwithcooking spray) andadampteatowel. 4. Letdoughsitcoveredat roomtemperaturefor18-24 hours. 5. After24hours (orat least1hourbeforeyouwant to serve),preheat theovento450degrees. 6. Placea2¾quart (atminimum)dutchoven(ora2.4L bakingdish)witha lid intheovenwhile it’spreheating. 7. Whileoven ispreheating, transfer thedoughfromthe bowl ontoaflouredsurface. 8. Formthedough intoaball, addingafewtablespoons moreflour, ifneeded.Thedoughshouldstill beslightly loose.Cover itwithaflouredtowelwhiletheoven is preheating.Theballmay looka littleflat, andthat’sokay! 9. Carefullyremovethehotdutchoven/bakingdish fromtheoven.Removethe lidandspraythedishwith cookingsprayor line itwithparchmentpaper. 10. Gentlyput thedoughball intothebakingdishso it’s evenlydistributed. 11. Coverandbakefor30minutes. 12. Removethe lidandbakeforanadditional 15minutes,or until the loaf isgoldenbrown. 13. Removethe loaf fromthebakingdishand let itcool on arackbeforeslicing.Tokeep itwarm, cover itwithatea towel.

Allergy warning: Flour - gluten Vegetarian & Vegan: N/A

Morgan Raimo ITAdministrationProgramDirector Department: IT Administration & Engagement Time with Banner: 16 years Location: Mesa, AZ


Brief description: Fresh bread is just something amazing and different. This recipe is simple and delicious, making it a fantastic addition to your table for dinners. The great part is since there areminimal ingredients, you can add your own little twist to it with different herbs, cheese, garlic or even berries! My favorite is some rosemary and then using this bread with pasta dishes. GENERAL Est. Prep Time: 5 minutes Est. Cook Time: 45minutesafter risingovernight (total time1day55minutes) Number of servings: 1 loaf for approximately 10 people Heat level (0-5): 0



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