IT Digital Cookbook - Second Edition


Sausage Roll

I N G R E D I E N T S ´ 31/2 cups bread flour ´ 1 cup warmwater ´ 2 tsp active yeast ´ 1 Tbsp olive oil ´ 1 tsp salt ´ 1/2 tsp sugar ´ 11/2 lb. Italian sausage (homemade or store-bought) ´ 1 lb. shredded mozzarella Optional: ´ Substitute 1 lb. pre-made dough for homemade

STEPS For the dough: 1. Inasmall bowl, addwaterandyeast. Letsit10-15 minutesoruntil themixture is foamy. 2. Inmixingbowl, addoliveoil, saltandsugar. 3. Addwater/yeast tomixingbowl. 4. Usingthepaddleattachment (largespoon ifyoudon’t haveamixer), slowlyadd in1cupofflourandmixuntil smooth. 5. Changetothedoughhookattachmentandcontinueto slowlyaddflouruntil doughno longerstickstosidesof bowl (5-6minutes). 6. Placedoughon lightly-flouredsurfaceandkneadfor1 minute, addingmoreflour ifdough issticky. 7. Placedough in large,oiledbowl andsetasidetoproof in awarmareauntil doughdoubles insize(60-90 minutes) 8. Oncedoughdoubles insize,punchdoughdownandset asidetoroll out. 9. Shredmozzarellacoarsely. 10. Cook loosesausageovermediumhighheatuntil 165degrees. Assemble: 1. Placedoughon lightly-flouredsurface. 2. Roll dough into~18”square, approximately1/4” thick. 3. Sprinklesausageevenlyoverdough. 4. Sprinklemozzarellaevenlyoversausage. 5. Tuck intheendsof thedoughandroll intoa log. 6. Transfer toabakingsheet. Cook: 1. Preheatovento450degrees (thiscanbedoneduring assembly). 2. Cookfor15-18minutesuntil thedough isgolden. 3. Letset for5-10minutes. Slice, serve and enjoy.

Joe Mazza AssociateDirector, ITOperations Department: IT Business Services Time with Banner: 17 years Location: Gold Canyon, AZ

Allergy warning: Gluten, dairy Vegetarian & Vegan: Substitute spinach or broccoli instead of sausage

DESCRIPTION Recipe Origin : Northeast USA

Brief description: This is a family favorite for as long as I can remember. Easy tomake, and combined with our family’s homemade sausage, it makes a great, casual addition for many occasions. I’ve turned tomaking sausage with boneless and skinless chicken thighs instead of pork. GENERAL Est. Prep Time: 2 hours Est. Cook Time: 16-18minutes Number of servings: 8 - 10 Heat level (0-5): 1



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