IT Digital Cookbook - Second Edition


Simple Bread

I N G R E D I E N T S ´ 2 cups bread flour ´ 11/2 cups all-purpose flour ´ 2 Tbsp instant yeast ´ 1/2 tsp salt ´ Approx. 11 cups water (around 100 degrees)

STEPS 1. Pourall of thedry ingredients intoyourmixerandmixfor oneminuteusingabreadhook. 2. Add1cupof thewater tothedry ingredientswhile mixingon lowwithabreadhook. 3. The ingredientswill startcomingtogether. If theydon’t cometogether inasingleball ofdough, addasmall amountofwater tothemix.Dothisuntil thedoughfully comestogether. Note: Ifyouaddtoomuchwater, youcanupthe speedonthemixer tomediumandthatshouldhelp incorporatetheextrawater. If thatdoesn’twork, adda littleflour. 4. Keeprunningthemixeron lowforfiveminutestoknead thebread. 5. Removethebowl fromthemixer.Spraynon-stickspray insidethebowl andcover thebowlwithplasticwrap. Thebreadwill needtoproveforonehour.Provingwill needtobedone inawarmspot inyourkitchen,orheat yourovenforfiveminutesandplacethebowl in theoven. 6. Removethenow-provedbreadfromthebowl and kneadbyhandforacoupleofminutes. 7. Greasea8”x4”breadpanandplacethedough inthe pan.Allowtoprovefor30minutes. 8. Pre-heatyourovento400degrees.Scorethedough in oneor twoplacestopreventa“blowout”whilebaking. 9. Bakethebreadfor30minutes. 10. Removethebreadfromthepanandcool forabout onehour. Variations: ´ Use only bread flour for a denser loaf ´ Substitutethebreadflour forwholewheatflour fora healthieroption ´ Addflavors (i.e. cheese) inthedry ingredientsandmixto haveflavor throughout thebread ´ Flattenthebreadafter thefirstprove, coverwithafilling(ie pesto), roll thedough likea log, andtuck inthesides fora flavoredbread.

Allergy warning: Flour, gluten Vegetarian & Vegan: N/A

Ryan Gruver ITOpsDir Department: Data Center Technology and Engineering Time with Banner: 14 years Location: Phoenix

DESCRIPTION Recipe Origin : Europe and Australia

Brief description: This is a simple and basic bread recipe that can be built upon to create unique flavors. This is always a hit aroundmy house! GENERAL Est. Prep Time: 2 hours

Est. Cook Time: 30minutes Number of servings: 10 - 12 Heat level (0-5): 0



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