IT Digital Cookbook - Second Edition
Barb McCaslin’s Secret Mormon Pancakes
I N G R E D I E N T S Dry: ´ 2 cups flour ´ 4 “heaping” tsp baking powder ´ 1 tsp salt ´ 2 tsp sugar Wet: ´ 2 cups buttermilk ´ 2 eggs ´ 1 Tbsp melted butter or vegetable shortening
STEPS 1. Useanelectricorstovetopgriddle,or largenon-stick fryingpan.Heat tomedium-highheatand lightlyoil just beforeandbetweenbatchesofpancakes.Wipeexcess oil offwithpaper towel; nostandingoil. 2. Mixall dry ingredientstogether ina largemixingbowl. 3. Siftfivetimes (tedious, I know, but thepayoffis unbelievable) and leave in largebowl undisturbed. 4. Mixallwet ingredientstogether inanotherbowl or large measuringcup.Useawhisktocompletely incorporate wet ingredients. 5. Dumpwet ingredients intodry ingredientsall atonce. Useawhisk (noelectricmixers,please!) tomix justuntil everything iswetandwell-blended, thenSTOP!Never mixorevenstir themixtureagain(oryou’ll ruin it). 6. Let thebatter rest forfiveminutes ... itwill expand into analmostwhipped-creamtexture. 7. GENTLYscoopout1/3to1/2cupportionsoffluffand pourontohotgriddle. 8. Allowtocookuntil thebottomisreallygolden brown—edgesshouldbedryandthepancakeshould besteaming.Cookingtimewill varyfromthreetosix minutesor longerdependingonheatsourceandpan ... bepatientanddon’tflipearly. 9. Flippancakeonlyonce, anddoNOTpressdown.Allow tocookthesameamountonsecondside. 10. Removetoawarmedplateandcontinuetomakemore pancakes.DonotEVERgobackandstir thebatter again; itwill goflatandthetexturewill beawful. Makes10-12pancakes, dependingonsize.Thisrecipecan bedoubledfor largecrowds, butnotmorethanthat—the batterwill start togoflatbeforeyoucanfinishcookingall the pancakes.Theruleof thumb is:onedouble-batchatmost pergriddle/largepan.
Allergy warning: Flour, buttermilk, eggs Vegetarian & Vegan: N/A
Kipp Drake ITDirector, Telecommunications Department: IT Operations and Service Delivery Time with Banner: 7 years 10 months Location: Tucson, AZ
GENERAL Est. Prep Time: 15 minutes Est. Cook Time: 30-45minutes Number of servings: 4 - 5 Heat level (0-5): 0
Brief description: My kids are in their late 20’s now, but their whole young lives, I made themBisquick pancakes. Other than going out for breakfast, that’s the only pancakes they ever had. After a teenage birthday/slumber party combo (my oldest are boy/girl twins), I decided to “upmy game” and pull out a recipe froma friend of the family. All of the kids were amazed, with comments like “best pancakes I’ve ever eaten” and “why have you been keeping these pancakes a SECRET?” I shared that a friend of my family named BarbMcCaslin, a wonderful Mormon woman and momwith six kids of her own (tomy family’s five kids), made them for my family when I was a kid when we were passing through on vacation one year. We got the recipe andmade themexactly once after we got home; they were amazing, but mymom thought they were toomuch trouble and the recipe went into the box, never to be seen again. I had pulled it out just for this special occasion. It wasn’t Barb’s secret; it was that I had been keeping thema secret for all these years. So, put all that together and you have “BarbMcCaslin’s SECRETMormon Pancake Recipe!” I haven’t been allowed tomake any other pancakes since that day.
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