IT Digital Cookbook - Second Edition

Desserts & Drinks

Cream Roulette/Rollet

I N G R E D I E N T S ´ 6 eggs ´ 4 oz all-purpose flour ´ 4 oz granulated sugar ´ 18 oz heavy whipped cream ´ 2 oz milk ´ 1 tsp vanilla powder ´ 2 oz vegetable oil ´ 16 oz heavy whipped cream

STEPS 1. Preheat theovento350. 2. Cutasheetofbakerypaper tofit thebottomofyour ovenpan. Leave itaside. 3. Separatetheyolksandalbumensof theeggs. 4. Addyolks,oil, vanillapowderandmilk inamixerandmix foraboutonetotwominutes. 5. Addtheflour tothemixandmixwithaspoon, notwith amixer. 6. Batter thealbumensuntil theymakeanextrapuff. 7. Addsugar tothebatteredalbumensandtothemixture onstep5andmix itwell foraboutonetotwominutes. 8. Pour thecakebatter inthecenterofpreparedpan.With aflexiblespatula, gentlyguidethebatter toall corners, sotheentirepan iscoveredevenly. 9. Bakefor10-12minutes inpre-heatedoven,oruntil the top is lightgoldenbrown. 10. Spreada largepastryclothoveraflatsurfaceand sprinkletwotablespoonsgranulatedsugarevenlyon it toprevent thecakefromstickingtocloth. 11. Removethebakedcakefromtheoven.Slideaknifeall aroundthepantoseparatethecakefromthesides. 12. Invert thecakeontothepreparedclothandpeel away theparchmentpapergentlyusingaspatulaorknifeto separatethepaper fromthecake. 13. Withthesideclosetoyou, roll upthecakeandtuck in theendsofclothandcontinuerolling. 14. Cool therolledcakefor30minutes intherefrigeratoror until itcoolsdownat roomtemperature.

Preparing the Whipped Cream Filling 1. Inthemixerbowl, addheavycreamandsugarandwhip on lowspeeduntil softpeaks form. 2. Addvanillaandwhiponhighspeeduntil stiffpeaks form. Donotover-whip;otherwise it’ll separateandyou’ll needtodoanotheroneagain. Prepare the Roulette 1. Unroll the cooled roulette very gently and place a layer of whipped cream evenly on the cake and roll it up again by gently pressing on top with both hands. 2. Use a serrated knife to slice off about half inch from either end for a better look. 3. Place the roulette on a serving platter and cover it with plastic wrap. 4. Refrigerate it for eight hours or more. 5. Optional: You can decorate the top of the Roulette with cocoa and/or powdered sugar. You can also use melted chocolate or shaved semi-sweet chocolate over the cake or even use your favorite berries (e.g. strawberries, blackberries) 6. Cut the roulette in equal 8-10 slices before serving.

Allergy warning: Dairy, eggs Vegetarian & Vegan: N/A

Ben Asrari ITArchitect Department: IT Clin Apps Insurance Division Time with Banner: 6 years 5 months Location: Phoenix

DESCRIPTION Recipe Origin : Persian

Brief description: CreamRoulette is one themost popular Persian desserts. The roulette is from the sponge cake family, but with less puff, and is baked thinly (almost half inch) and filled with vanilla cream. Wemake this dessert for a variety of occasions such as family gatherings, visiting friends and birthdays. GENERAL

Est. Prep Time: 45 minutes Est. Cook Time: 15minutes Number of servings: 8 - 10 Heat level (0-5): 0



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