IT Digital Cookbook - Second Edition
Desserts & Drinks
Nani’s Peanut Butter Balls
I N G R E D I E N T S ´ 1 cup creamy peanut butter ´ 1/2 cup condensed milk ´ 1/2 cup powdered sugar ´ 1/2 cup mini chocolate chips
STEPS 1. Putall of the ingredients inabowl. 2. Mixall of the ingredientstogetheruntilwellmixedwith aspoon. 3. Takeasmall amountofmixtureandroll inhandstoform aball. 4. Placeball inatight-seal container.Continuerollingmix intoballsuntil all of themixture isgone. 5. Enjoy immediatelyorplace intherefrigerator fora fewhours.
Allergy warning: Peanut butter Vegetarian & Vegan: N/A
Morgan Raimo ITAdministrationProgramDirector Department: IT Administration & Engagement Time with Banner: 16 years Location: Mesa, AZ
Brief description: Mymother-in-law used tomake these simple peanut butter balls beforemy husband would go off to summer camp as a child. He enjoyed themsomuch andmissed having them, so I asked her for the recipe. She took the time to teachme this recipe, and now it’s become our children’s favorite treat, too. GENERAL Est. Prep Time: 10 minutes Est. Cook Time: N/A Number of servings: Approx. 30 balls Heat level (0-5): 0
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