IT Digital Cookbook - Second Edition
Desserts & Drinks
Absolute Best Chocolate Chip Cookies
I N G R E D I E N T S ´ 8 oz (unsalted) sweet butter ´ 1 tsp salt ´ 1 tsp vanilla extract ´ 3 cup granulated sugar ´ 3 cup light brown sugar ´ 2 large or extra-large eggs ´ 21cups unsifted all-purpose flour ´ 1 tsp hot water ´ 1 tsp baking soda ´ 12 oz chocolate chips Optional: ´ Raisins, cranraisins or nuts
STEPS 1. Pre-heatovento375degrees. 2. Cutaluminumfoil tofitcookiesheet. 3. In largemixingbowl, creamsweetbutter, saltandvanilla. 4. Addbothsugarsandeggsandbeatwell. 5. Turnmixer to lowspeed. 6. Addabout1/2theflour (littleover1cup; thisdoesn’t needtobeexact, about1/2theflour). 7. Dissolvethebakingsoda inthehotwater. 8. Adddissolvedbakingsodatothemixture,mix. 9. Addtheremainingflourandmixwell. 10. Stir inchocolatechipsbyhand. 11. Addanyotheradd-ins (raisins, nuts, cranraisins). 12. At thispoint, youcouldrefrigeratethedoughandbake later. Itcanberefrigerateduptoaweek. 13. Dropbytablespoon(I sometimesmakethemlarger; it addsbakingtime)ontocookiesheet. Hint: Youcanmakethemintoabarcookie.Usea13x 9 inchcakepan insteadofacookiepan. Placeall the dough inthepanandbakeuntil brown.
Allergy warning: Eggs, flour Vegetarian & Vegan: N/A
Linda Hill ITServiceOperations Sr. Director Department: IT Service Delivery and Service Operations Time with Banner: 3 years 7 months Location: Phoenix
14. Bake in375-degreeovenfor10-12minutes. Grab a glass of milk and enjoy!
DESCRIPTION Recipe Origin : USA Brief description: The original version was in the food section of the newspaper. Back in the day, when you got the newspaper every day GENERAL Est. Prep Time: 20 minutes Est. Cook Time: 10-12minutes Number of servings: 3 dozen cookies Heat level (0-5): 0
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