IT Digital Cookbook - Second Edition
Desserts & Drinks
Soft Chocolate Chip Cookies
I N G R E D I E N T S ´ 8 Tbsp salted butter ´ 1/2 cup white sugar ´ 1 cup packed light brown sugar ´ 1 tsp vanilla ´ 1 egg ´ 11/2 cups all purpose flour (don’t scoop flour with the measuring cup, fill the measuring cup and then level off) ´ 1/2 tsp baking soda ´ 1 tsp salt ´ 3 cup chocolate chips
STEPS 1. Preheatovento350degrees. 2. Microwavebutter forabout15secondsto justbarely melt it. Itshouldn’tbehot, but itshouldbealmost entirely in liquidform. 3. Usingastandmixerorelectricbeaters, beat thebutter withthesugarsuntil creamy.Addthevanillaandthe egg, beaton lowspeeduntil just incorporated—10to 15secondsorso. Ifyoubeat theeggfor too long, the cookieswill bestiff. 4. Addtheflour, bakingsodaandsalt.Mixuntil crumbles form.Useyourhandstopressthecrumblestogether intoadough. Itshouldformone largeball that’seasyto handle.Therightstagewouldbebetween“wet”dough and“dry”dough.Adda littleflour ifdough isstill sticky. Addthechocolatechipsand incorporatewith yourhands. 5. Roll thedough into12 largeballsandplaceona cookiesheet. 6. Bakefor9to11minutesuntil thecookies lookpuffyand dryand justbarelygolden. WARNING: Do not overbake; this isessential for keepingcookiessoft.Takethemoutof theoven, even if they look likethey’renotdone; they’ll bepaleandpuffy. 7. Let themcool onthepanforabout30minutesorso. Theywill shrinkdownandturn intodense, buttery, soft cookies.Store inanairtightcontaineror freeze, ifyou havethatkindofwillpower
Allergy warning: Gluten, eggs, flour, dairy Vegetarian & Vegan: N/A
Kris Winterstein ITPopulationHealthSolutionAnalyst Department: Provider Technology Solutions Time with Banner: 36 years Location: Goodyear, AZ
Brief description: These aremy family’s favorite chocolate chip cookies that I make for almost all gatherings. I’ve tried many different recipes over the years and these are, hands-down, the softest most delicious cookies I’ve ever made. GENERAL
Est. Prep Time: 15 minutes Est. Cook Time: 10minutes Number of servings: 12 cookies Heat level (0-5): 0
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