IT Digital Cookbook - Second Edition

Desserts & Drinks

Cherry Pie

I N G R E D I E N T S Crust: ´ Make 2 10” pie crusts ´ 2 cups all-purpose flour ´ 1 tsp salt ´ 2/3 cup plus 2 Tbsp Crisco shortening ´ 6-8 Tbsp cold water ´ Dash of artificial butter flavoring (or use butter-flavored Crisco) Pie: ´ 2 cans cherries in water

STEPS Crust: 1. Mixflourandsalt inabowl.Cut inshorteningusinga pastryblenderor forkuntil pea-sized. 2. Sprinklewithcoldwateronetablespoonatatimeand cut in.Addmorewater ifnecessary, butdoughshould befairlydry. 3. Dividedoughandformtwoequal-sizedballsofdough. 4. Roll eachona lightly-flouredsurface.Keeprollingpin flouredtoavoidsticking. 5. Onecrustcanbecut todesign, butdefinitelyneedsat leastacoupleof slits inthetopcrust. 6. Placebottomcrust into10”pieplate. Pie: 1. Mixsugar, flourandsalt inmedium-sizedsaucepan. 2. Addwaterdrainedfromcansofcherries.Cookuntil boilingandrunningclear. 3. Addalmondextract.Stir. 4. Addcherriesandpour intopieplate(uncookedcrust). 5. Topwithtopcrustandconnectbottomcrustwiththe top. 6. Sprinkle lightlywithcinnamon/sugar. Bakeat350degrees for50minutes. Forfirst30minutes, covercrustedgeswithpiecoversor foil topreventexcess browning.Removecovers forfinal 20minutes. Cool and serve!

´ 1 cup sugar ´ Dash of salt

´ 1 cup all-purpose flour ´ 1/2 tsp almond extract

Lauren Allmaras Sr. ITClinical EngagementOwner Department: IT Clinical Applications Time with Banner: 13 years Location: Cheyenne, WY

Allergy warning: Flour Vegetarian & Vegan: N/A

DESCRIPTION Recipe Origin : Colorado

Brief description: I grew a love for baking pies with my grandma at a young age. As a farmwife, she always had three square meals prepared each day, and dessert was a staple (possibly more important than the meat and potatoes!). Cherry pie quickly became my favorite as my dad loved it, so I loved making it for him. We still make this a couple of times a year as a family favorite. GENERAL

Est. Prep Time: 25 minutes Est. Cook Time: 50minutes Number of servings: 8 Heat level (0-5): 0



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