IT Digital Cookbook - Second Edition

Desserts & Drinks

Purple Cowboy

I N G R E D I E N T S Equipment: ´ Jigger ´ Shaker Ingredients: ´ Favorite vodka ´ Chambord Black Raspberry ´ Sweet & Sour Mix

STEPS 1. Place ice intoashaker. 2. Add1 oz.ofvodka. 3. Add1 oz.ofChambord.

4. Add1 oz.of sweetandsourmix. 5. Shakevigorouslyfor10seconds. 6. Strain intoaheavydrinkingglasswithfresh ice.

7. TopoffwithSpriteor7-Up. 8. Garnishwith2blackberries. 9. Enjoy!

´ Sprite or 7 Up ´ Blackberries

Allergy warning: N/A Vegetarian & Vegan: N/A

Ted Hernandez Senior Director Department: IT Administration & Engagement Time with Banner: 2 years Location: Phoenix

DESCRIPTION Recipe Origin : Chambord was created in France in the 17 th century, and was probably soon mixed with vodka. Brief description: I came across this drink at Charlie Clark’s Steakhouse in Pinetop, AZ. It’s a refreshing summer drink or after-dinner drink. I’ve seen it calledmany names, including the Purple Haze and Purple Rain. Always drink responsibly. GENERAL

Est. Prep Time: 2 minutes Est. Cook Time: 1minute Number of servings: 1 Heat level (0-5): 0



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