IT Digital Cookbook - Second Edition

Desserts & Drinks

The Old Fashioned

I N G R E D I E N T S Equipment: ´ Jigger ´ Mixing glass or shaker ´ Bar spoon ´ Strainer ´ Orange peeler Ingredients: ´ Bourbon or rye whiskey ´ Angostura aromatic bitters ´ Peychaud’s bitters ´ 1 tsp simple syrup or crush a sugar cube into a glass ´ Water ´ Orange

STEPS 1. Place ice intoamixingglassorshaker. 2. Add1 oz.ofbourbonor ryewhiskey. 3. Add2-4dashesAngosturaaromaticbitters. 4. Add2dashesPeychaud’sbitters. 5. Add1tspsimplesyrup(adjust totaste). 6. Add ounceofwater for therookies. 7. Stirgentlyfor1minute. 8. Strain intoaheavydrinkingglasswithfresh ice. 9. Expressanorangepeel over theglass. 10. Garnishwithorangepeel. 11. Enjoy!

Ted Hernandez Senior Director Department: IT Administration & Engagement Time with Banner: 2 years Location: Phoenix

Allergy warning: N/A Vegetarian & Vegan: N/A

DESCRIPTION Recipe Origin : Waldorf-Astoria Hotel bar in New York

Brief description: This classic drink is generallymade with three ingredients, common for the 1880s, including whiskey, bitters and sugar. There’s nowrong way tomake this drink—flavor to your taste. I havemy own twist on this drink to add a little different flavor and simplicity. Please drink responsibly. GENERAL

Est. Prep Time: 2 minutes Est. Cook Time: 1minute Number of servings: 1 Heat level (0-5): 0



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