Data Intelligence Program - Culture and Literacy
Animated publication
Data Intelligence Program Culture and Literacy
Table of Contents
Program Objectives……………………... 3
Program Focus and Goals………………. 4
The Rights of Data……………………… 5
Program Introduction…………………… 6
Data as an Asset………………………… 8
Data Management……………………… 10
Program Approach…………………...… 11
Program Solutions……………………... 12
Data Communities……………………... 14
Communication Model………………… 16
Data Culture Components……………... 18
Data Literacy…………………………... 19
Lifecycle Framework………………….. 20
Data Flow and Resource………............. 21
Collibra……………………………….... 22
Stewardship Roles and DGO…………... 26
The Banner Health Data Intelligence Program is a collaborative effort designated to advancing the adoption of data culture and literacy, data intelligence strategy, data governance and data management services across Banner. These efforts will drive and support the transformation of patient care from a value-based model to a consumer-centric experience model where, through enterprise Data Intelligence, Banner can best manage the health of its patient population while seeking to reduce the per capita cost of health care. This process will enable decision makers at all levels to leverage quality data, information (data in context) and analytics to make high-confidence decisions that help mitigate risk and create value. This continuous improvement approach will be applied to many areas, including cost optimization, financial management, clinical performance, health IT, digital innovation and transformation, market development, revenue cycle management, mergers and acquisitions, commercialization and organizational development.
Data Intelligence Program Focus The Banner Health Data Intelligence Program will guide the transformation of data into trusted, accurate, reliable and actionable information that drives and supports the decisions and actions of the organization. Data Intelligence Program Goals Through the practice of data culture and literacy, data intelligence strategy, data governance and data management services, the Banner Data Intelligence Program will protect and enforce the Rights of Data throughout all stages of the Data & Information Lifecycle to realize the full potential of treating our data as an asset for our patients and our business. Banner’s Nonprofit Mission Making health care easier, so life can be better. This Mission statement drives reinvention focused on the consumer. It's our call- to-action and how Banner is going to win the heart of Sofia and those we serve.
The Rights of Data
Data is captured, collected and defined in the right manner.
Data is stored in the right way.
Access to data is granted to the right consumer.
Data is displayed in the right format, at the right time, for use in the right action to produce value.
Data is secured and disposed of in the right capacity.
Program Introduction
Data Intelligence at Banner is the knowledge-based, strategic, operational and tactical management of our data ecosystem.
Banner's Data Intelligence Program is supported by the Data Governance Office.
Data Governance is a collection of components — data, roles, processes, policies, communications, metrics and systemwide tools which help organizations formally manage and gain better control over data assets.
The Data Intelligence Program takes a multi-dimensional approach systemwide.
Multi-dimensional refers to the integration of our lines of business (clinical, operations, insurance division and research/academic), our data communities and our Stewardship Communication Model. About the Collibra data governance tool Data Governance Center from Collibra is a systemwide data governance platform that provides tools for data management and stewardship. The software allows us to organize and manage data assets and related data policies and rules.
A key concept of the Data Intelligence Program is treating data as an asset .
As data citizens at Banner, we’re involved in projects that use data and information to drive operational initiatives, reduce cost and improve quality of life for our consumers.
When data is created without guidance and defined responsibilities, we end up with data without properly aligned resources. Data ecosystems that aren’t curated can’t be transformed to realize the full value of data.
Treating Data as an Asset
Data and information have the potential to reduce costs of treatment, predict potential life- threatening events, avoid preventable diseases, improve the quality of life in general and drive/improve operational initiatives. Data created without organizational guidance and defined responsibilities is data without properly aligned data resources (people, processes, technology, policies/standards). Data ecosystems that aren’t curated with shared understanding, strategy, governance and data management can’t be transformed to realize the full value of data for an organization.
Today’s complex health care environment has the additional pressure of the urgency for trusted data to support the customer-focused operations. The solution lies within the four areas of data management that combine to form the Data Intelligence Program.
Knowledge Management Strategic Management Operational Management Tactical Management
Create a knowledge-based, strategic, operational and tactical Data Intelligence ecosystem
Data Governance
Data Culture & Literacy
Data Management
Banner will leverage data culture and literacy, the knowledge management solution, as the foundation of success for all other components. Moving left from the culture and literacy fulcrum, we have data governance. This is the operational management solution. It’s a top-down approach that enforces Rights of Data. On the lower right side is data management, the tactical management solution focusing on transactional data. This is a bottoms-up approach. When all three are in place we achieve our fourth solution of balance data strategy management.
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Solutions The data Intelligence Program solutions are illustrated here in our four pillars.
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Data Communities
Banner is taking a multi-dimensional approach to ensure equitable stewardship representation systemwide.
The Data Governance Office is leading the effort of implementing Data Communities with common data usage across the four vertical channels of business: Clinical, Operations, Insurance and Academic/Research. Multi-dimensional refers to the integration of our lines of business (clinical, operations, insurance division and research/academic), our data communities and our Stewardship Communication Model.
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Our Communication Model
The Data Governance Communication Model supports the multi-dimensional approach.
An executive committee, known as the Data Intelligence Center of Excellence (DICE), has been established. This well- defined network of decision makers represent a broad cross- section of leaders and gives approval to the Program direction. Council members include, but aren’t limited to the vice president, Financial & CFO Insurance Operations; vice president, CMO Delivery; chief information officer; executive director, HR Technology, Ops & Development and vice president, Service Lines. The council member also identifies the resource to represent the role of Business Owner. The Business Owner identifies the stewards and subject matter experts . All roles are supported by the Data Governance Office. Communication flows up and down the tiers of responsibilities.
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Data Culture Components
Beliefs in Banner’s Mission and Vision; Behavior that recognizes current state and plans for our future; Structure in our roles, responsibilities and processes; and Communication
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Data Literacy Capabilities The Data Literacy capabilities are ability — can we read, write and communicate data in the correct context; competency — do we acknowledge the different roles involved in working with data and practice — do we ask and answer questions better, with the use of our data.
• Read, write and communicate data in context • Understand data sources and constructs, analytical methods and techniques applied • Describe the use case, application and resulting value
• Acknowledge different roles involved in working with data, at all levels of the data -> information processes • Executives/Leaders: knowledge to ask the right questions, discipline to use the insights, involvement in defining and supporting data strategy for the organization • Data Stewards: critical role to act as liaison between business and technical teams • Data Analysts/Engineers: need data skills and knowledge (technical, analytical, subject area)
• Ability to ask and answer questions better, with the use of our data • Incorporation of data into proactive and reactive decision-making
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Data and Information Lifecycle Management Framework
Culture and Literacy uses the Data and Information Lifecycle Management Framework model. The lifecycle depicted describes the phases that data passes through the course of existence. The model can be adopted to support data literacy by creating a common vocabulary and understanding about the flow of data. The lifecycle serves as the framework for data policy and procedure development.
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Data Flow and Data Resources
Two other tools are Documented Data Flow and Data Resources. The Data Flow tool ( data lineage ) provides a visual representation of the data flow across the entire data ecosystem. The Data Resources tool ensures people, processes and technology connect the flow to the lifecycle framework.
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The Collibra application is Banner’s data system of record . It enables data-driven decisions systemwide. Using Collibra, the Data Intelligence Program helps our customers and producers of data by answering questions on how to find , understand , trust , collaborate and access data. The bottom row identifies the Collibra Application that assists in answering those questions.
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Collibra Banner’s System of Record
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The Collibra Platform is customized to support how Banner uses data. The Collibra Platform
Customized to Banner Health Operational Business Verticals (Clinical, Operations, Insurance & Population Health, and Research & Education) Customized to Banner Health Data Communities (Patient, Provider, Member – Insurance Division, Supply Chain, Pharmacy)
Supports Stewardship Model structure, roles, & responsibilities as aligned to Banner Health Operational Verticals
Assigns Data Ownership
Increases visibility for accountability and quality
System of Record for assets as aligned to Banner Health Data Communities: Governance Assets (business policies, business rules) Business Assets (business terms, data quality dimensions)
Data Assets (physical& logical data models) Technology Assets (database, application) Business Lineage (relationships connecting asset types)
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Stewardship Roles
Executive Sponsor(s) The Data Intelligence Program Executive Sponsor(s) provides executive oversight and budgetary/resource approval for the Data Intelligence Program and associated Data Governance initiatives. Council Member (Data Intelligence Center of Excellence Members – DICE) The Data Intelligence Center of Excellence Council Member acts as a senior contributing member with influence over budget, resources and strategy across data resources (people, process, technology, procedure). Business Owner (Data Ownership Committee Members – DOC) The Business Owner has responsibility for the functionality and use of the data, at the community operational level and a stake in ensuring that the data is properly defined and used systemwide. Business Owners are generally leaders/managers. As the bridge between the Data Intelligence Center of Excellence (DICE) and their data community, the Business Owner has ultimate accountability for the data in their community. As such, the Business Owner has ultimate authority for decisions relating to that data, including enforcement of and adherence to those decisions. Data Custodian (Data Custodian Community) As a curator for enterprise data, the Data Custodian is the main point of contact for Business Owners to resolve issues (data). The Data Custodian represents the business and technology focus in the overall Governance Program at the data community level. They help drive issue resolution across different organization constituencies. This person must be influential and respected within their data community. Business Steward (Data Steward Group Members) Provide oversight of an organization's data assets to help provide business users with high- quality data that is easily accessible in a consistent manner. This position involves a clear understanding of data and regulations around the usage. This person should have deep understanding of the business process and the application or system. Technical Steward (Data Steward Group Members) Provide application advice and counsel for the applications, interfaces and technical infrastructure. Ensure the application conforms to the Business Steward/Technical Steward’s requirements. The role is generally filled by a position within IT or business-aligned IT. The technical steward is trained in the use of the data and helps ensure that the data is properly defined and used systemwide. Business Subject Matter Expert SME (Data Governance Work Group Member) Business Subject Matter Experts represent a specific business area and are responsible for providing subject matter expertise for specific data governance initiatives, as necessary.
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Data Governance Office Roles
Data Governance Director The Data Governance officer champions organizational Data Governance and Data Governance initiatives. The director owns and delivers the Data Governance strategy and overall objectives set by DICE. Data Governance Solution Owner The Data Governance solution owner works within the Data Governance Office and reports to the Data Governance director. A Data Governance solution owner is responsible for the successful development and delivery of the data governance strategy and objectives set by the program. This position provides expertise, educates, organizes and facilitates the workforce in the practice of data governance as well as mentoring team members. Data Governance Solution Analyst The Data Governance solution analyst works within the Data Governance Office and reports to the Data Governance director. This position provides expertise, organizes, analyzes and facilitates Banner’s workforce in the practice of data governance.
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Submit a request for access via the Data Intelligence Program site on Banner Connect! Visit a-Management/Pages/Data-Intelligence-Program.aspx
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For more information contact:
Kristi Rogers, senior director, Analytics and Data Intelligence
Rohan Thomas, director, Data Governance
Ranae Jestila, solution owner, Data Governance
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IT is focused on the success of our customers. We want technology solutions to be easy, yet effective. We partner with leaders throughout Banner to ensure our goals are aligned in each business unit. As we listen to, and learn from, our customers, we'll provide technology and support that will empower each Banner teammember to succeed.
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