IT Digital Cookbook - Second Edition
Desserts & Drinks
Watermelon Mimosa
I N G R E D I E N T S Ingredients: ´ ⅓mediumwatermelon, preferably chilled or Simply Watermelon juice ´ 1 bottle Champagne/Prosecco, chilled Optional: ´ For extra sweetness: simple syrup or St. Germain, to taste Allergy warning: Fruit Vegetarian & Vegan: N/A
STEPS 1. First,makewatermelon juice: Ifyourwatermelon is notseedless, removeall of theblackseedsfirst. Then, scoopall of thepinkwatermelonflesh intoyour blender, leavingthesourgreenpartaroundthe perimeterbehind. 2. Securethe lidontheblenderandblenduntil it’s completelysmooth.Pour thewatermelon juicethrough afine-meshstrainer intoa liquidmeasuringcuporbowl. Useaspoontostirandpressall of the juicethroughthe strainer, thendiscardthesolids. 3. Topreparethemimosas: Fill eachChampagne fluteabouthalfwayupwithChampagne/Prosecco (youmayneedtodothis justa littlebitatatimeto avoidoverflow).Then, carefullyfill eachglasswith watermelon juice, leavingaboutan inchof roomat thetop. 4. Taste, and ifyou’d like it tobea littlesweeter, addatiny splashof simplesyruporSt.Germain—thiswill really dependonthesweetnessof thewatermelonandyour tastebuds.Serve immediately. *Optional: Pour pre-made Simply Watermelon juice into a cup and add champagne/prosecco
Morgan Raimo ITAdminProgramDirector Department: IT Administration & IT Engagement Time with Banner: 17 years Location: Mesa, AZ
Brief description: I love watermelons and I’ve recently started loving mimosas, sowhat better thing than to combine the two? After trying one at Haymakers in Avondale, AZ, this quickly becamemy favorite refreshing drink. GENERAL Est. Prep Time: 10 minutes Est. Cook Time: N/A Number of servings: 6 Heat level (0-5): 0
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